Monday, August 17, 2009

Emotional Commotion

It's almost the end of summer. I already miss it. In a few days, I'll be moving to a very cold place, and I am not a fan of the idea of leaving this perfect weather to go freeze my butt off. 

The end of summer always brings such sadness and regret to me. I don't often regret things, but I am filled with regret at the end of every summer. If only I had taken more walks, made more smoothies, swam more, played more.  This summer gets a little extra regret in particular because of the lack of work I have done, resulting in a lack of funds. I tried really hard to get a job, and then I got really sick, and by the time july arrived, I was done with trying at life for a while. I have done a few amazing things this summer, but it has been a very disappointing summer. If only summer could last longer here in northern Utah.

Nevertheless, I will list the good things i did do this summer:

1. Joined a fighting club. So, i didn't go regularly, and I still suck at sword-fighting, but it was really fun. And it was a new experience.
2. Did a lightsaber flash mob. It was so fun to play around at the park with lightsabers! 
3. Went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  The pre-show party, the costumes, the food, and the great amount of pretending was amazingly fun. 
4. Star Wars birthday party.  Thank goodness for themed parties. This was the best birthday party I have had yet in my life.
5. Making accessories with my friends.  Getting together to listen to music and make cute things to wear, as well as talk, is excellent. And it felt like I had been shopping, without spending tones of money.
6. Going to Lagoon. I rode Wicked a couple times, and the whole day was just fun. Definitely glad I went.
7. Reading Harry Potter. I read books 4-7 all over again, and that was great. Reading in the summer is important.
8. Spending tons of time at Miche's and downtown in general.  It's always so refreshing to hang out with Miche and Jency, and I am glad for the times I was able to walk around and shop with them, as well as Megan and Kim, on separate occasions. 
9. My concert.  Putting together my own solo recital was a fun challenge I so needed and enjoyed. It went so well, and although I missed some people that weren't there, oh well, they'll just have to miss me. Because they sure aren't going to see much of me anymore. But, I sang well, and I made people laugh, which is what I wanted.
10. Becoming aquainted with the Zelda games. I had already played a little old school Zelda in my life, but this summer I got to try out Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess.  Awesome games. 
11. Watched, and introduced my friends to the movie The Sasquatch Gang. Such a hilarious movie! Also, watched Ponyo! Myazaki amazed me again.
12. Went all out for nicklemania. Craig and I saved up all our change for the summer and had sooo much fun! 
13. Mine and Craig's anniversary. We went and looked at some art, and then the next week had a nice hike and campfire.

Things I wish i had done:
1. Gotten a steady job. Well, obviously.
2. Learned to sew.  
3. Taken more evening walks
4. Gone to a water park.  Too poor for that though.
5. Played in more sprinklers
6. Had more campfires.
7. Went on more hikes. But at least I am going on one more before I leave.
8. Ate more popsicles.

I am starting to miss a lot of people already. Moving and saying goodbye makes me sad. But, on the other hand, I am going to say a lot of "hellos" soon, and that will make me happy.