i have been a busy woman. Actually, I haven't been horribly busy, but I have been lazy when I am not busy. Anyway, here's my life.
-Logan is awesome. It's pretty, and everyone here is really really nice. I haven't actually met anyone that is grumpy or mean yet. Today was the first of many cold days. I kinda snowed. I hear it snowed down south too though..
-I am FHE mom. I am pretty excited about this! I think it will be fun and I have some fun ideas for activities. I don't know my family very well yet, but everyone is really nice. Because my apartment complex happens to be one of the nicest locations in this nice town!
-My classes are pretty chill. My teachers are all really good, and some are way funny. The only class I hate going to is family finance, even though the info is very very useful, it hard to follow and pay attention in class! My most entertaining class is human development. My teacher is practically a cartoon character! It's awesome. But really, the best part if all my classes is that I am already starting to apply information from each class, except maybe human development. Family and Consumer Sciences is a good major.
-My new laptop is sweet. It's so useful and it fits in a lot of my purses because is little, which makes it easy to take to my friends' apartments and such.
-My room is cool, and so are my roomates. The best part of my room is my star wars poster. And my Ponyo Poster. And my roommates are all really fun :)
-IWA is my favorite part of the week! My IWA group feels like it was handpicked for me! We have so much fun every meeting!
Here are some of my favorite events that have happened with pictures:
Bear Lake: The saturday before labor day, Heather, Rachel, Jesse, and I went and chilled out at bear lake for a couple hours. This is the first time I have ever been to bear lake! We just walked around and relaxed on the beach, and gathered seashells. Rachel practically buried herslef in the soft sand, and I gave Jesse a wedgie. :)

Roomie Picnic: On labor day, Heather, Abby, and I went on a picnic on the Quad, and we took some cute pictures and just had fun! Later that day we watched a bunch of movies and made crafts, and "cleaned the sink" which happens to be the ice cream eating challenge at a local resaurant.

Fairytale Photoshoot: One of my friends from IWA, Laura, invited me to be part of a fairytale photoshoot with her and her roomates. So, we dressed as fairytale characters and had a blast! It was one of those magical, sparkly moments that comes close to actually living in a fairytale.

Homecoming dance: The dance was way fun. We did do lots of dancing, which i am so happy about. Craig and I dressed 1940's style, since it was kinda decades themed. It was fun to see all the costumes and outfits people came up with. Everyone looked great!

Homecoming game: So, football isn't as fun as basketball, but it's still fun. That is what I discovered at the homecoming game. We won, and I am so proud of it. But, my favorite part of Aggie sports really is singing "The Scotsman."

Yep. Other than that, I am just having fun chilling out with friends and doing homework. Last night there was a pirate party where everyone dressed up as pirates and we watched Hook. I'm glad I found a group that I fit in with up here! hahaha