My life is moving at a million MPH right now.
I don't move that fast, unfortunately, because I have a killer head cold that makes me desperate to sleep for hours on end. I am starting to get better though, and hope that I am done being sick for a while, since I have been sick most of the past semester.
Anyway, here is what has happened this month:
Finals Week:In all honesty, finals week is the most fun week of the semester. Study for a couple hours each day, as needed, and then you are free to play the rest of the day! And play I did. Lots of coolies and cheesy movies were involved. We watched The Hobbit and Willow-I'm almost always up for old-school fantasy movies. Hot Rod and many a Spongebob episode were thrown in too.
The Wednesday of finals week, I finished all my tests, and Corey, Jacob, Craig S., Ben, and two new-ish girls in the group went and jumped off a bridge, right into a very, very, very cold river. It was frightening and exhilarating. When I jumped in, the water froze up my muscles and lungs, and knocked the wind out of me. I could barely move enough to swim, and almost got swept under the bridge. But I made it, and proved to myself yet again that I am strong and can handle difficult things.That night, Corey, Claire, Jacob, and Liz and I had a bonfire in an alcove in the side of the mountain. It was awesome. We made crazy tribal noises. And roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.

The next day I packed up and moved out of my apartment. It took FOREVER to clean the hard water deposits off the shower. (That was one of my assigned jobs.) It's nice I won't be going back.
Being Home:
Craig and I went on the first real date we've had in a while, and it was nice, but my tolerance for restaurant food is ever-decreasing. But we saw Iron Man 2, which is one of my new favorites.
Last Monday, I got to go see Fun., Relient K, and Paramore perform at the E-center, with Craig, RJ, and Miche. So chawsome. They all were such great performers-totally rocking out.

Of course, we went to Denny's afterward, nice and hyper.
The Friday after that, Craig and I started moving stuff into our apartment. Woo hoo! We really like our little place. I am going to make it look super cute!!
Saturday I went through the temple for the first time, and is was simply wonderful. It pretty much erased most of my stressed out feelings. I want to go as often as possible.
Other than that, I am working on little wedding details 24/7. I am always tired, and can hardly keep my thoughts in order, but it's all coming together, and there is so much good to anticipate.