I'm going to try to make this short, because I should be doing homework. I am SWAMPED with homework.
Right now, there are a few things in my life that I am anticipating.
1. Animals. Lately, I am just dying for a little pet. I miss my little doggies at my parent's house so much! I can't wait to see them in a couple days. Also, I found a little dog on facebook named Boo.
Boo is probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen pictures and videos of, ever. He makes sunshine explode out of my heart and vocal chords whenever I look at his page. I think he is a Pomeranian with a haircut. So now I love Pomeranian.

And on top of that, Craig and I went to Petsmart just for fun on Saturday because we both love animals so much that even looking at them at a pet store makes us giddy. Heck, we even like looking at the toys and treats. Well, Saturdays at petsmart are adoption days, meaning they bring in animals for the local shelter for people to interact with and adopt. Guess what was there? A Pomeranian. She was so adorable, that I almost cried. The whole rest of the afternoon I imagined me and this little cute dog being best friends and all the fun times we would have together.
So after that experience I decided that I want to volunteer at the animal shelter, and that is what I am anticipating. I hope it works out.
2. Harry Potter. We are such crazy fanatics that we are dressing up, partying, and going to the midnight showing. I don't really even care too much about how the movie measures up to the book, I just love the experience of it all!!
3. Holidays. I am so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I told my mom that we are Black Friday shopping thanksgiving night at the mall this year. So excited. Mostly, I am just excited to spend time with my family. Mine and Craig's niece is walking now, and she is sooo cute. And my sister, Laura, is coming home for a while and I have hardly seen her since I got married. I just miss everyone so much and can't wait to see them!!