What is an escapist you ask? And Escapist is a person that always wishes they were somewhere else, living out fantasies and adventures. They wish they could do the impossible. (See figure 1.1 to see the typical escapist's photo manipulation/expression of identity.)
Here is a list of my manifestations of escapism:
1. Preferring ambient music or movie soundtracks.(see figure 1.2)
2. Attraction to theme parks, such as Disneyland.
3. Frequent daydreaming; in fact, enjoying daydreaming so much that time is set aside just for that purpose.
4. Frequent reading of fantasy novels. (or watching of fantasy movies)
5. Dressing or decorating with a costume-or-scenery-like mindset.
6. Making up fantastic stories about myself. (Secret Agent, please!)
7. Constantly wanting to do a large variety of things. (trying to live out daydreams to the best of my ability)
8. Being easily swept away in movies, events, or books. (this explains my horrible fear in horror movies, and why I cry in Disney movies)
9. Passion for travel.
10. Passion for themed parties
Why being an escapist is good:
a. Abundant creativity
b. A drive for a full life and richer experiences
Why it sucks:
c. The realization and occasional reminders that a few of my greatest dreams can never be carried out.
d. Crying in Disney movies.
So I wonder. Who of my friends is an escapist? Does any of this apply to anyone else enough for them to consider themselves a full-on escapist? And, if so, would you like to make an escapist club?
I think that everyone has at least a little bit of escapist in them. Why else would people want to go on vacation?
One last thought:
"It's much easier to talk about something once you name it" ~(Don't know where I heard it, actually)

Figure 1.2 A favorite music choice among escapists. The movie is a good escapist movie too!