Friday, July 24, 2009


A lot of people complain about Utah. They think it's such a dorky place, full of intolerance, annoying kids, and backwards viewpoints.

But I love living in Utah, even if the winters do kill me. (at least we don't have horrible bugs in the summer) And July 24th is the day to celebrate the settling of our state, I am going to write a list of reason I love this state. (yes, I stole this idea from Jill, if you read her blog)

1. The underground fashion community-yeah, Utah isn't one of the most fashionable places in the country...I mean Macy's is relatively new to us, but there are a lot of people here that have a very unique style. And our fashion community isn't full of competitive prissies, from what i have seen.

2. Our local businesses-This ties in with the fashion stuff, but Utah has some sweet little boutiques, restaurants, etc. And a lot of Utahans really like to support the local scene, which I think is really cool. And where else can you go to a Mexican restaurant, tell your waitress you'd like a virgin Margarita, and hear the reply, "Oh, all our drinks are only served virgin here."

3. Zoo, arts, and parks-Utah is full of celebration for education and culture. There are so many fun educational activities! I love it, because it adds so much variety to what i can go out and do.

4. The variety of the landscape-It only takes about a half hour to go into the mountains and see no signs of city life. You can go on a hike in the afternoon, and be back home by 6 to eat and change into something nice to go dancing! And if you want more of a desert feel, it doesn't take long to get to the desert. In fact, and hour drive to the salt flats will render the scenery completely treeless. Like water? There are some way fun lakes. all over the state. And if you want a cheap, warm vacation in the middle of January, St. George is a reasonable drive.

5. Snowboarding-Oh my heavens....snowboarding on perfect, fresh snow is one of the closest things you can get to independent flight. And there are tons of places to go. Some resorts aren't as cool and only allow skiiers... And then, you can't forget sledding! Our winters may have bone dry air, but our snow is perfect!

6. The grid system. It makes life so much easier. Give me a set of coordinates and I will be able to find you. It's rare I actually need extra directions.

I honestly love living here!

p.s. Tonight I watched a way good fireworks show, and it made me think. Are people living vicariously through fireworks in order to express their joy/excitement? is that why fireworks were invented in the first place? I know that when I am excited about something, I wish I could fly around and sparkle and explode. Maybe that's why people cheer so much at firework shows.

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