Monday, September 5, 2011

Something I feel passionate about.

The weather.

I dream of the day I can move to a placce that only has 2 seasons. I honestly hate summer just as much as I hate winter. My body has a hard time adjusting to extreme tempuratures and I don't really like summery clothers or wintery clothes. I like right in between: Light jackets, tights and skirts, and freedon to experiement with layering.

Someday, I would love to live on the northwest coast, somewhere between San Franciso and Seattle. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

When I talk about my dream home in the northwest, I am told things like: "The rain would be depressing..." "It's so cold there, and you would have no summer!" "I would die without sunshine!"

Well, first of all, I love rain and overcast skies. I love the combination of gray and green throughout the landscape. I love the fresh, wet sidewalk smell. Secondly, I would rather spend 10 months of the year in medium-chilly weather than 8 months of the year in freezing snow. Third, the sun gives me migraines, so I pretty much avoid it anyway. I definitely don't go outside to enjoy the sunshine.

Also, when I took a trip up to the northwest to visit family oh so long ago, I thought it was beautiful. There was moss everywhere. All the houses I saw were beautiful too. I guess my family just has good taste in architecture, but I remember seeing other beautiful houses that we drove by as well.

Here's hoping I have the chance to live somewhere where there are no extremes in the weather.

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