Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fun things
Today, I didn't do anything work-ish. No cleaning, no job hunting...(Mostly because I am waiting to get some calls) no organizing...and that was nice. I have been doing a lot of cleaning to fill the void in my life that unemployment has made. Not having some sort of structured work is depressing to me. I really hope I find a job soon, because I don't know how long I can go like this.
Anyway, here's what I did instead that made today fun:
-Watched some homeschool kids do reports on recent projects they did.
There is this thing my sisters are involved in (and I used to be involved in) called Great Brain. It's a club where kids get together each month to present projects they have been doing, such as research reports, learning a new skill, becoming an expert at something. The subject is thier choice. I did one on the history of slang when i was in highschool. This is a great thing to do, because it's fun (if you enjoy learning), you get exposed to new things, and you get practice in public speaking. Today, I heard about Ripsticks, Box Turtles, a few writers, Karate, and what it's like writing short stories for a magazine. I enjoy being an information junkie.
- I went to see Dragonball Evolution in the dollar theatre. Which was so cheesy and I thoroughly enjoyed. I can see how people wouldn't like it, but I really did like it, and I would watch it again. On the way out of the theatre, and spent my precious quarters on some vending machines and got a little ring and necklace. :)
-Craig and I went to play at the park, where we enjoyed an array of outdoor orf instruments. Craig is very musically intelligent. I decided I want a big wooden xylophone thing in my backyard when I grow up. After those, we played on the swings. I think swings are one of the best recreational inventions ever. I love how it feels to soar through the air on a swing. After the swings, we played with other playground things and in the kids fountain. We also discovered tables with chess boards on we will being doing that soon.
In conclusion, a list of things Craig and I need to do this summer:
-have a picnic on the grass
-Make a campfire on the park stoves
-have a campfire in the mountains
-go on lots of hikes
-play checkers on those tables (because I suck at chess)
-go on some more bike rides
-get cupcakes
-go to a water park
-go to lagoon!
-make a music video
-learn some songs together
Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Ren Faire is over! Which means I can finally make stuff for myself. There are a lot of hair accessories I want to make. I also bought some neat things. I didn't sell much, but hopefully I can sell a lot on etsy, because I think I have some fabulous things that maybe a non-touristy audience would love to buy.
Craig and I worked on my Ocarina Of Time game tonight. I love Zelda. It's definitely one of my little escapist things. Also, Craig is a smart person. The nicest thing about him though, is that he's usually really chill and fun to hang out with. And very sweet, of course.
Tomorrow Craig and I get to go see Star Trek (yessssss) with my old buddy Peaches and a friend of his. I am very excited! First of all, I have heard amazing things about this movie. Second of all, I get to see Peaches! Oh my heck! I haven't seen him in forever! He's like a brother to me. I am so glad I get to go do this tomorrow, because there has just been so much pressure in my life (School, Ren Faire, Job hunting) and this will be a nice little break where I can just forget about it.
Last, but not least, my voice teacher is getting me to throw a little concert/recital before I move, as kind of a "graduation/goodbye" thing. At first I was reluctant to do this (Put together an event that features just me? Won't that be wierd? Won't people get bored?) but now I am actually excited. It's a good excuse to see a lot of people before I leave, and it'll be good for the voice studio. And so far, everyone I have told about it has seemed sincerely excited and they really want to come. I will be practicing a lot to make it worth everyone's time.
So there you go! A little update on what's going on...I should know by now that there is no hope that my life will calm down.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
But then again, I see others envying MY talents and accomplishments, which is crazy to me, but it makes me realize that I am right in the middle of the talent spectrum, which I think is a good place to be, when it comes down to it. I mean, I certainly am no prodigy, but I have gotten to dabble around in a lot of different things.
And what's more important to me than how awesome I am at such and such, is that i can help others be happy. And if being approachable, not having way high expectations for myself and those around me, and letting people be themselves aides me in that, then I can feel like I have done a good job at life. Because i think those are quatlities that are often lacking. People get so high strung about whether they are "excellent" or those around them are "excellent" enough to associate with them, and then they get all rude, and do those little micro-inequities to everyone. Which is sad. It's sad to try and be friends with someone and get a mixed message. Or, to feel pressure to not be yourself, because it's to lame, too wierd, too disorganized.
Maybe some of you can tell now that I have had experiences like this. And i can tell you, it sucks to feel like you HAVE to justify and explain everything you do. And it really sucks to not truly show who you are around someone, because you just don't feel like hearing crap about it. And it sucks even more when thier snooty behaivior rubs off on you, and you start catching yourself acating like that.
Well I have pretty much had it with that.
So I am not even going to explain why I am making the two following lists.
Recent Accomplishments I have had that I am excited about:
1. I have a booth with my sisters at the Renaissance Festival. How awesome is that?!
2. The other day, I carried a huge bin (like as in i could fit in it) that was full of stuff and very heavy down to my car all by myself. A few months ago, I probably couldn't have lifted that bin.
3. I lost 10 pounds! I feel so great. I have so much more energy than before!
4. I can hula hoop!
5. I can take a plain silver plate, or little balls of silver, silver wire, etc, and make something awesome. I never thought before that I would be making silver jewelry! I never even thought of that as something people do.
6. I have become a tiny bit like a fashion icon at my school. When I walk into a building, people i know are actually anticipating seeing what I am wearing! I just gotta thank all my institute friends for that support!
7. I have been teaching piano for like, more than 2 years! I love it. My students are awesome and it's amazing to help them make music.
8. I have been dating Craig for almost a year. It's amazing that he hasn't like, gone insane from how annoying and stupid I can get. I am so glad he hasn't.
9. I have a freaking 2 year, full tuition scolarship. This is such a huge blessing to me, and it's awesome to think that I got the grades to qualify for it.
Now here is a list of accomplishments I've been wanting to work on:
1. Learn to sew. I've got the designs, I just can't make them yet. This is always my problem. I always have the vision, the inspriration, but executing it is harder for me.
2. Learn to decorate cakes really well. I would love for kids and friends to come to me with a request for thier birthday cake.
3. Get really good at playing Clair de Lune on piano.
4. Get better at doing my hair. It's always in a ponytail with my bangs pinned back, or just down and straight, or in pigtails, or in a headband. I am not very creative when it comes to hair.
5. Learn to cook, at least well enough so I don't die when I move out.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Late Night Escape
First of all, the Renaissance Faire is this weekend. Oh my gosh! I can't believe it. It's finally happening. I am really excited and just hoping it goes well. Having a booth at a rather extensive Renaissance Faire is huge to me.
But the thing I like about this is spending two weekends pretending to be in a land of fantasy. I mean, that's what everyone goes for right? And I love it because this one is not so educational as it is fun, which means that everyone that goes will be there because they love pretending to be in a fantasy land! Which means a minimal amount of bad attitudes and arrogance. Let's face it, everyone that has a proper sense of fun hates it when atmosphere is disturbed by someone that is acting like a brat.
So yeah. I am excited for this. If you are one of my friends and you want information so you can come, please contact me! I would love to see you up there! Because, historical reenacting is the bomb.
Secondly, I was going through things in my room and found a little notebook with the beginnings of a fantasy novel I was trying to write when i was 12 or 13. I read it, and it was actually not too bad! There are a lot of things i would change about it, but it sparked my imagination. I thought it was really bad back then...but I now feel like I was doing good for a little pre-teen. And now the story is swimming around in my head. What am I supposed to do about it? I don't see myself as a writer, really, and I don't have much time to write. But there it is, begging to be finished. I think it would make a great family adventure movie. My problem always is that I have the idea and inspiration, but carrying out those ideas? That's a hard one for me.
Thirdly, I am just in that mood where I wish I could delay my life a little bit and go off on an impossible adventure. Yep, an escapist moment. Can't I just pause life for a minute and go to another world to play for a while? You around, meet other creatures, jump off giant waterfalls, etc.
I think it's obvious I need to go on a vacation. Disneyland, perhaps?