Monday, May 4, 2009

Late Night Escape

Here it is, almost 12:30. I am so awake because I know I can sleep in tomorrow. And I just have lots of thoughts.

First of all, the Renaissance Faire is this weekend. Oh my gosh! I can't believe it. It's finally happening. I am really excited and just hoping it goes well. Having a booth at a rather extensive Renaissance Faire is huge to me.
But the thing I like about this is spending two weekends pretending to be in a land of fantasy. I mean, that's what everyone goes for right? And I love it because this one is not so educational as it is fun, which means that everyone that goes will be there because they love pretending to be in a fantasy land! Which means a minimal amount of bad attitudes and arrogance. Let's face it, everyone that has a proper sense of fun hates it when atmosphere is disturbed by someone that is acting like a brat.
So yeah. I am excited for this. If you are one of my friends and you want information so you can come, please contact me! I would love to see you up there! Because, historical reenacting is the bomb.

Secondly, I was going through things in my room and found a little notebook with the beginnings of a fantasy novel I was trying to write when i was 12 or 13. I read it, and it was actually not too bad! There are a lot of things i would change about it, but it sparked my imagination. I thought it was really bad back then...but I now feel like I was doing good for a little pre-teen. And now the story is swimming around in my head. What am I supposed to do about it? I don't see myself as a writer, really, and I don't have much time to write. But there it is, begging to be finished. I think it would make a great family adventure movie. My problem always is that I have the idea and inspiration, but carrying out those ideas? That's a hard one for me.

Thirdly, I am just in that mood where I wish I could delay my life a little bit and go off on an impossible adventure. Yep, an escapist moment. Can't I just pause life for a minute and go to another world to play for a while? You around, meet other creatures, jump off giant waterfalls, etc.

I think it's obvious I need to go on a vacation. Disneyland, perhaps?


  1. This sounds like so much fun, to bad I have plans this weekend because I would love LOVE to go.

  2. Right now, I am pretty angry that the wizarding world doesn't actually exist.

  3. do a graphic novel instead of a novel.
