Saturday, May 9, 2009


I admit it, I catch myself envying other's talents and accomplishments much much more than I ever want to. How do they fit it all in? I don't know.
But then again, I see others envying MY talents and accomplishments, which is crazy to me, but it makes me realize that I am right in the middle of the talent spectrum, which I think is a good place to be, when it comes down to it. I mean, I certainly am no prodigy, but I have gotten to dabble around in a lot of different things.

And what's more important to me than how awesome I am at such and such, is that i can help others be happy. And if being approachable, not having way high expectations for myself and those around me, and letting people be themselves aides me in that, then I can feel like I have done a good job at life. Because i think those are quatlities that are often lacking. People get so high strung about whether they are "excellent" or those around them are "excellent" enough to associate with them, and then they get all rude, and do those little micro-inequities to everyone. Which is sad. It's sad to try and be friends with someone and get a mixed message. Or, to feel pressure to not be yourself, because it's to lame, too wierd, too disorganized.

Maybe some of you can tell now that I have had experiences like this. And i can tell you, it sucks to feel like you HAVE to justify and explain everything you do. And it really sucks to not truly show who you are around someone, because you just don't feel like hearing crap about it. And it sucks even more when thier snooty behaivior rubs off on you, and you start catching yourself acating like that.

Well I have pretty much had it with that.

So I am not even going to explain why I am making the two following lists.

Recent Accomplishments I have had that I am excited about:
1. I have a booth with my sisters at the Renaissance Festival. How awesome is that?!
2. The other day, I carried a huge bin (like as in i could fit in it) that was full of stuff and very heavy down to my car all by myself. A few months ago, I probably couldn't have lifted that bin.
3. I lost 10 pounds! I feel so great. I have so much more energy than before!
4. I can hula hoop!
5. I can take a plain silver plate, or little balls of silver, silver wire, etc, and make something awesome. I never thought before that I would be making silver jewelry! I never even thought of that as something people do.
6. I have become a tiny bit like a fashion icon at my school. When I walk into a building, people i know are actually anticipating seeing what I am wearing! I just gotta thank all my institute friends for that support!
7. I have been teaching piano for like, more than 2 years! I love it. My students are awesome and it's amazing to help them make music.
8. I have been dating Craig for almost a year. It's amazing that he hasn't like, gone insane from how annoying and stupid I can get. I am so glad he hasn't.
9. I have a freaking 2 year, full tuition scolarship. This is such a huge blessing to me, and it's awesome to think that I got the grades to qualify for it.

Now here is a list of accomplishments I've been wanting to work on:
1. Learn to sew. I've got the designs, I just can't make them yet. This is always my problem. I always have the vision, the inspriration, but executing it is harder for me.
2. Learn to decorate cakes really well. I would love for kids and friends to come to me with a request for thier birthday cake.
3. Get really good at playing Clair de Lune on piano.
4. Get better at doing my hair. It's always in a ponytail with my bangs pinned back, or just down and straight, or in pigtails, or in a headband. I am not very creative when it comes to hair.
5. Learn to cook, at least well enough so I don't die when I move out.


  1. Well I know, and everyone who knows you at all knows, that you have a TON of talents. You may not be the star actress in a bunch of plays, the star player on a team or a child prodigy, but you have talents that are more important. Like you said: you make people feel comfortable around you and they trust your input and opinions and actually come to you for advice and counsel. You ALWAYS look so cute and I swear I've never seen you wear the same thing twice. You are always YOU and that in itself is a pretty great talent. You spice up life for everyone around you and bring an energy that not many people can bring into others' lives. I'm so glad I have the privelege to date you, Brynn!! You are amazing and you just bring out the best in me and make me feel like I am alive and can do anything. I love you!!!!! Your piano skills rock, don't tell yourself otherwise. And your voice...Oh my heck, I love to hear it!!!! and when you do both together....WOW!!! Incredible!! You are a way good dancer, too!! Irish step, clogging, zumba, and all those other types you try to teach me!! You are just amazing at everything I have seen you do!!

  2. My dearest Brynn...

    Craig said it. He's totally right about everything. And, for his sweetness about it, I am totally jealous of you for having such an amazing man to date! DUH! :)

    And... I just wanted to tell you that you are probably one of the most amazing people I've ever had the opportunity of getting to know.

    You certainly do have a talent for letting people feel okay with themselves when they're around you. I've never felt awkward or self conscious around you, and you make me feel just amazing when we hang out!

    I LOVE your style, and I really think you're just about the only person who could pull it off, and you do such a good job at it! I love how you're not afraid to be yourself, no matter what! By doing that, you give my the chance of letting who I am shine through, and I don't have to be ashamed of it! Really.

    One more thing, you give some of the BEST advice I've ever received. I remember that one day I was so confused and kinda bummed about some boy issues I was trying to work out, and I asked for your advice, and you gave it to me straight up, and it totally opened my eyes, and I was like, "Brynn's a genius!" Haha, you're just great like that.

    I basically love you... a lot. You're one of my best friends.
