~Having time to clean my room
~The strong smells on summer nights. Flowers, cut grass, fabric softener, rivers, pond, and sprinklers...these aoll come out so beautifully during a walk arounf the neighborhood on summer nights.
~Downing Otter Pops when you get them at that perfect slushy stage.
~Going on walks at random places and parks around town.
~Little neighborhood kids coming over to play in the middle of the day and i actually have time to stop and say hi to them.
~Playing Dance Dance Revolution with Kristan at night even though it's sweltering hot. (so we open all the windows)
~Going out to check the mail and realizing how pretty everything is.
~Wearing shoes that are easy to put on
~Driving around at night with the windows down
~Free outdoor activities and not having to bring a sweater.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Things in my life right now.
~Unemployment. At this point, I have little more than a month and a half to actually, you know, work...so I am going to keep looking for a job, but focus more of my energy on making money in other ways, such as making and selling accessories, babysitting, gig-like stuff, (such as working at events) etc. This whole job hunt has been so frustrating. I can't even let myself think about it too hard, because I just start thinking of all the things I could've done differently, and wondering why I am not good enough. Every step seems to have had a roadblock with it, and it's been really hard.
~Laryngitis. I haven't been able to sing for 3 weeks, which drives me nuts. It's taking a long time for my throat to heal, and that's partly my fault, because I talk a lot. ugh I just like talking so much though. I like clear communication where everything is confirmed and everybody says their point. But how I long to just sing along with the radio.
~Swine Flu. Craig (along with a few other friends) had it, which means I didn't get to see him for like a week and a half. I missed him. But now we get to hang out again, and it is really fun. It's always so fun with Craig
~Hair Accessories. Last night I had Miche and Jency come over and along with my sister Alyssa, we made tons and tons of cute stuff to wear in our hair. Making accessories feels so great to me. And now I have cute new things to wear!
~Support. I have had a few people be way more supportive and kind to me than I ever expected lately. This is good, because recently it seems like it has been one disaster after another for me, but I have such great friends pick me up off the ground and say, "Hey, people don't like you to be sad. Have some encouraging words and compliments, on me." :)
~Laryngitis. I haven't been able to sing for 3 weeks, which drives me nuts. It's taking a long time for my throat to heal, and that's partly my fault, because I talk a lot. ugh I just like talking so much though. I like clear communication where everything is confirmed and everybody says their point. But how I long to just sing along with the radio.
~Swine Flu. Craig (along with a few other friends) had it, which means I didn't get to see him for like a week and a half. I missed him. But now we get to hang out again, and it is really fun. It's always so fun with Craig
~Hair Accessories. Last night I had Miche and Jency come over and along with my sister Alyssa, we made tons and tons of cute stuff to wear in our hair. Making accessories feels so great to me. And now I have cute new things to wear!
~Support. I have had a few people be way more supportive and kind to me than I ever expected lately. This is good, because recently it seems like it has been one disaster after another for me, but I have such great friends pick me up off the ground and say, "Hey, people don't like you to be sad. Have some encouraging words and compliments, on me." :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Six of my Favorite People
A list of a few of my favorite people, celebrity, fictional, and local. Not all of course. I think I should make a new list every month, in order to tribute all the awesome people I know. (or know of)

Tim Gunn: He's the smartest man in fashion. Not only is he impeccably stylish, but he has a
great sense of humor, is kind and polite to everyone, and is passionate for what he does. Basically, I wish he was my uncle.

confidence everyone wishes they had. You know, the confidence that enables you to do what ever you want, have confidence in others, and actually seem generally nice and humble. And he follows through with this confidence by have the time of his life doing what he loves. How could you not like someone like that?
Kelly: I won't put up a picture because I don't have one, but Kelly is the wonderful mother of an amazing family I have been privileged to babysit over the years. How different my life would be without these people! They are the ones that got me into Studio Ghibli, and my favorite video games. They have truly become some of my best friends. The thing I look up to Kelly for is that even though raising kids can be exhausting and time consuming, she manages to do fun activities with her husband and friends. (like dressing up in crazy clothes and going out to eat!) She hasn't gotten stuck in the "stressed out, boring grown-up" mindset that I see so many people get trapped in. I hope I turn out like that.
She is such a great example to me! In fact, I actually told a story about her in testimony meeting. One day, I picked her up from trax, and she was worried because she accidentally left her phone on the train! So, I called it to see if anyone found it, and no one answered. A few minutes later however, I got a call from her phone! And who was on the other side? Her mom! Her mom had happened to get on the exact same train a few stops away, and found her phone. And Miche's reaction? "I am so grateful my Heavenly Father loves and blesses me!" I am always reminded by her to be grateful for everything, even though she doesn't know she's reminding me. Another reason I love her: She is what i call a "lazy friend". You know those friends you don't see for months and they like you less because of it? Or they feel like you aren't pulling your weight in the relationship, so they get mad? Miche is not one of those people. sometimes we go a while without talking (we are both very busy people) but when we talk, things pick right up where they left off, with no awkwardness. We pick up each other's slack, and we are cool with it, because Miche knows that friendship is about having fun and caring for another person, not personal benefits. I am lucky to have her as my best friend.

I have been waiting for an opportunity to put this picture on the Internet. Anyway, Kristan is great because sometimes she unknowingly gives me a slap in the face and reminds me to not sweat the small stuff. Laughter is important to this girl, and she'd much rather laugh than hold a grudge. If she's angry, she just says what's bothering her, and gets over it. No silent treatment, no catty remarks, just back to the fun and action.

Briar Rose: What can a dog teach a person? Well, I think Briar Rose has been a great teacher or humility and forgiveness. She is so sweet and loving, and doesn't hold back. She wants everyone to be happy, and lives to give her support and service. I am not even kidding. Just pretend to be sad around her and watch her reaction. She's the most sympathetic...person...that I know, and i think we all would be better people if we followed her example.
Craig: Oh man, where do I start? With a story. Yesterday I of course, was kinda grumpy, tired,
and had a headache. I wasn't very nice. While I was attempting to microwave some teriyaki chicken for Craig and I to eat for dinner, I said something snippish and he just said "Why are you so grumpy today Brynn?" And I told him...I am tired of being sick, I want to go to sleep, but we have to go watch my sisters choir performance, etc...and he replied with "What can I do to help?" He could've taken the whole situation in another direction, but he is great at choosing the peaceful way. Then as we were leaving (late) to the concert, I reached into my purse to find all of the contents of my purse wet and sticky. I then pulled out my now-opened and upside-down bottle of precious cough syrup to see most of its remains spill onto the driveway. This was too much for me in my half asleep, sickly state, and Craig knew it. So he took me inside, helped me wash off my lip balm, wallet, etc., and filled up the sink to soak the lining of my purse. He did all this without being frustrated at my stupidity of not checking the lid, not minding how late we were. That's just one of the great things about Craig. He knows how to deal with problems without drama, moodiness, or stress. He's always rescuing me from the little disasters I tend to have. In a way, he's a bit like Briar Rose, and now you know that that's a great compliment to his character. I love my boyfriend.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Being Sick
So I have been sick for the past couple weeks, and it has sucked. Especially this past weekend, where i couldn't stop coughing and had a fever. Bleh. But now I am almost better, so I thought I would write down a bunch of the remedies I used and how they worked for me.
1. Ny Quil- I used this 3 nights in a row. The first night was great, even though it wore off a half hour before it was time for the next dosage. But I slept well when it was in my system. The second night it wore off sooner, and i didn't bother taking a second dosage. The third night, it did nothing. No sleepyness, no pain relief, no cough suppression. So I guess you shouldn't take it too much in a row or your body will become immune to it.
2. Tussin DM-This is basically just standard cough syrup. It kinda worked.
3. Herba Tussin-This was an herbal tea that I found to be pretty helpful. It doesn't taste bad and it felt really good on my throat. It wasn't always strong enough, but I don't think much would be for the throat problems I had.
4. Cough Drops-I got some cough drops that are supposed to numb your throat. They worked, but once it was fully dissolved, the effect went away pretty quickly.
5. Sucrets Ice- Awesome stuff. Felt sooo good and the effect lasted a little longer than cough drops. They also can be safely taken every two hours, unlike the aforementioned numbing cough drops.
6. Throat Coat herbal tea- I always stand by this stuff. It feels awesome and tastes really good.
7. Hot lemon Jello-It sounds wierd, but you just take some lemon jello powder and put it on hot water and drink it. My friend told me to do it. It actually felt great and tasted better than many options.
8. Gargling warm salty water-this is supposed to soothe your throat. It's worked on me before, but not so much this time. Again, I think what i had was just too severe.
9. Honey and Lemon Juice with warm water-This is also supposed to soothe your throat. It didn't worked for me, but other people swear by it.
If you have a really severe cough like i did, you really should go to the doctor. Coughs of course aren't serious and people usually get over them in a week or so, which means that most people don't go to the doctor for it. But! I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription for cough syrup that really works! I have improved so much since taking this stuff. Also, remember to drink lots of water (not just liquids) because water dilutes your mucus, making it easier to get out of your system.
1. Ny Quil- I used this 3 nights in a row. The first night was great, even though it wore off a half hour before it was time for the next dosage. But I slept well when it was in my system. The second night it wore off sooner, and i didn't bother taking a second dosage. The third night, it did nothing. No sleepyness, no pain relief, no cough suppression. So I guess you shouldn't take it too much in a row or your body will become immune to it.
2. Tussin DM-This is basically just standard cough syrup. It kinda worked.
3. Herba Tussin-This was an herbal tea that I found to be pretty helpful. It doesn't taste bad and it felt really good on my throat. It wasn't always strong enough, but I don't think much would be for the throat problems I had.
4. Cough Drops-I got some cough drops that are supposed to numb your throat. They worked, but once it was fully dissolved, the effect went away pretty quickly.
5. Sucrets Ice- Awesome stuff. Felt sooo good and the effect lasted a little longer than cough drops. They also can be safely taken every two hours, unlike the aforementioned numbing cough drops.
6. Throat Coat herbal tea- I always stand by this stuff. It feels awesome and tastes really good.
7. Hot lemon Jello-It sounds wierd, but you just take some lemon jello powder and put it on hot water and drink it. My friend told me to do it. It actually felt great and tasted better than many options.
8. Gargling warm salty water-this is supposed to soothe your throat. It's worked on me before, but not so much this time. Again, I think what i had was just too severe.
9. Honey and Lemon Juice with warm water-This is also supposed to soothe your throat. It didn't worked for me, but other people swear by it.
If you have a really severe cough like i did, you really should go to the doctor. Coughs of course aren't serious and people usually get over them in a week or so, which means that most people don't go to the doctor for it. But! I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription for cough syrup that really works! I have improved so much since taking this stuff. Also, remember to drink lots of water (not just liquids) because water dilutes your mucus, making it easier to get out of your system.
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