This gypsy costume is closer to my everyday style than...Khakis and Polos.
I love Saturday Night Live now. Also, I actually take an effort to search out new and interesting music for myself. I used to kinda just stick to my staples unless a friend was "kind" enough to force me to get into some other bands. Still don't like when people try to get me to try their music and talk it up a ton. Because...then we don't talk and just end up listening to segments of songs and my attention span goes out the window.
I like dogs more now. I liked dogs before, but now I just love dogs. Even the little snooty ones. (Except mini poodles and chiuauas.) I think Craig passed this trait on to me.
I miss these little cuties so much!!! Every time I go to "The Burrow" (code for my parent's house) these little faces excitedly greet me and my heart explodes with furry, vanilla-frosting joy. Miss Stacy (the one in the top photo) is my soul sister. If she was human, I know she would be hanging out with me and my best girls Kim and Miche all the time and we'd buy vintage clothes together. P.S. I was going to include a photo of the new dog, corduroy, but accidentally deleted it from the post :( and I am sick of uploading photos.
I am quieter. I am often at a loss of what to say, and I like listening more now too. I also like to be home more now. Don't be fooled, I still have to get out and socialize in order to keep my sanity, but it's great to sit around at home with Craig and watch movies and make accessories. By the way, I make waayyy cuter accessories now than before I got married.
This is us in height order. Awesome.
Lastly, I like babies more. I used to be scared of interacting with babies; I was super scared I would make them cry really loud somehow and their mothers would disown me as a friend. But Craig and I have this niece who is pretty much adorable. She has won me over to the "I think babies are pretty darn cute club."
This is me with Carlie. She's so cute!
And here's a bonus picture of Craig and I in a cuddle puddle with the dogs.