Saturday, January 1, 2011

a year of intense dynamics

Winter was forte.

The Good: I walked to school almost every day, instead of taking the bus. I also excercised regularly. I felt so strong. I also had an exciting group of friends in my apartment complex, and made tones of memories. I had the coolest dance party ever at my apartment. I took a nutrition class that made a huge impact on me. I relied a lot on my IWA sisters for support.

The Bad: Pressures of engagment-not my favorite thing. Being far away from Craig-REALLY not my favorite thing. Also, I was the "mom" of an FHE group that dragged thier feet.

Spring was fortissimo.

The Good: I got married! Along with that came many exciting things such as getting engagments taken, shopping for wedding accessories, and bridal showers (which were the best). One thing I especially enjoyed was getting our stuff moved into our apartment in the weeks before the wedding. The wedding day on June 1st was the peak of the crescendo.
Other non-wedding related good stuff: Hosted an interpretive dance party, did a really fun promotion with Wii Fit Plus, (Wii promotions are always the best!) and a really fun craft fair.

The Bad: I got strep throat for the first time. Basically there was just too much stress with the wedding. So stressful.

Summer was piano.

The good: Obviously, the best part of this summer was getting to see Craig every day. He taught me how to play frisbee, we got to go grocery shopping together ( I still love grocery shopping with him. Every time.) We went to the park at night to talk and play frisbee almost every day. Of course, we went to Salt Lake almost every weekend to see family and friends and we had some pretty good times playing around in Salt Lake. We also went hiking a few times too.

The Bad: I was very sick and tired the whole summer. I think all the stress from the wedding finally manisfested itself in it's true form of fatigue and sickness. My birth control also took a toll on me as I didn't know that a possible side effect was chronic depression. I had never been depressed before, so I barely even knew how to recognize it. On top of that, I spent most of the summer desperately job hunting while craig was gone all day at work. Job hunting+depression+being alone most of the day=BAD BAD BAD

Fall was mezzo piano.

The Good: I made new friends in my ward and classes, I got a great job, and after a lot of struggling, made some decisions with my schooling that I feel good about. I went and halped out at the Sleepy Millcreek Hollow faire-a halloween faire with a haunted trail and arts and craft booths. Craig and I also hosted halloween parties for our families, as well as a cultural dance party in december. I worked a promotion at the mall Thanksgiving night, after which a shopped and found some great deals. Also, I was called as a chior member and a relief society meeting coordinator in my ward. I planned a really fun skincare workshop that confirmed how much I would love to be an esthetician.

The Bad: Half my classes seemed pointless to me and one particular class was full of horrible readings, assigments, and quizzes that really were pointless. I also feel like most of my friends from last year don't want to talk to me anymore because I am married. I know that's a pretty natural thing that happens to many people, but it was dissapointing for me, especially since I really haven't changed much since getting married.

What I learned this year: Sometimes the answers to problems are incredibly simple. Life doesn't have to be a huge fancy effort to be wonderful. Most of the time natural and simple is better.

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