Sunday, January 2, 2011

A few goals.

It's kind of fun to make new years resolutions:

1. Clean the bathroom once a week. This includes scrubbing the toilet, cleaning the mirror, counter, and sink, mopping and sweeping, and spraying down the shower with shower cleaner.
2. Try a new makeup look once a week. I got this idea from Michelle's actually one of her resolutions. It can get so easy to be stuck in a rut and un-creative.
3. Actually pay attention when Craig and I read scriptures together. This means taking turns and each of us saying an insight afterwards.
4. Do dishes every time I eat. Seriously!

Well, that's a pretty good list. Wanna know a secret to actually accomplishing goals? Keep them simple and specific and use numbers.

A bad example of a goal: Pick more stuff off my floor.

A good example of a goal: Put away 20 things off of my floor each night before going to bed.

Hope that helps.

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