Monday, January 12, 2009


When I was younger, as you probably know, my favorite show was digimon. On this show, each character have a trait that was kindof their own power. My least favorite charcters usually had the power of sincerity. "How is sincerity important?" I always thought. I didn't understand how that was a trait; what sincerity really means.
Well, of course I have learned more about sincerity, and now it's one of the most important pieces in my life. I strive for sincerity all the time. I want to be sincere, and I want others to be sincere towards me.
What is sincerity? Basically, sincerity is meaning what you do or say. It's putting your heart into your words and actions. To me, sincerity is also being enthusiastic about life and the activities therein. It's the real deal.

Sincerity just makes things so much more pleasant. No deceit, no halfhearted attempts, no cynicism or biting sarcasm(not that sarcasm is always wrong, but there is definately a taste line there), just people being honest and open about their thoughts and feelings.

So, in honor lovely virtue, I have made a list of sincere things:

1. Jack Johnson lyrics. "The doctor gave him 2 weeks, I would give him more if I could." "I remember watching that old tree burn down, I took a picture that I don't like to look at." Just a couple examples. I just love his lyrics.
2. Last week, Craig brought me flowers just because. Not roses though, because he remember that a few months ago i said roses are kind of cliche. So, he asked me what my 3 favorite colors are and brought me daises in those colors!
3. When you dance all crazy and you don't even care that people are laughing at you.
4. My friend Zach has always written me these nice notes, and they are always sincere. Little random notes are the best.
5. Specific, well meant compliments. Usually it's easy to tell when compliments are sincere. And those are the best.
6. My dog Briar Rose. She is probably the most sincere thing on earth. She is always happy to cuddle up, or jump on you, or whine with you if you are sad (or just act sad)
7. Kisses that you wait for. When you are willing to deal with someone for months with little physical affection, it makes the relationship so much more sincere. Rushing into the physical side of the relationship, to me gives a more shallow motivation to spend time together. Then, before you know it, you find yourself not accepting their personality, yet you are stuck to this person because you can't give up that physical affection.
8. Shopping at a thrift store when you can afford new things. I think this says a lot about true frugality, true development of style, and true concern for the amount of potential waste that should be there.
9. And last but not least, crying in movies (or when you see other people cry) is a great act of sincerity. Crying with someone really backs up the fact that you feel for them and are concerned for their feelings. I am not saying that you aren't sincere if you don't cry, because many people are, but not many people would go for the discomfort of crying for kicks.

:D I am going to try and do more sincere things. I think that the greatest gift you can give anyone is the knowledge that they can always rely on you for truth, love, and support.


  1. That was Joe's trait, right? And then probably Cody in the third season. Cody sucked so bad. Who was it in the second season? Was it Yolei, because she also sucked.

    Anyway. Sincerity is probably my number one value in life.

  2. It was mimi's in the first season, and then yolei's in the second. I thought it was dumb because the whiny girls always had it...

  3. this is why my most favorite quote of all time is "Be great in act as you have been in thought" by Shakespeare.

  4. Hey, i finally ready your blog on my own!! I actually quite liked it and found it informative and interresting :) Sincerity IS important. I may find myself reading this blog from now on. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! I sincerely do!!

  5. Oh man I was confused. Cody was in the second season not third.
