Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Adventures in Winter Break.

On monday...I start school again. I love school, but I am sad to go back, because I have loved loved loved this winter break. Here, enjoy this list of happy things I have done in the past few weeks:

1. Rediscovered my love for Jack Johnson, especially the Curious George soundtrack.
2. Had a few wrockin band practices. I think we are getting better!
3. Gone cupcake/vintage shopping with Michelle and Bri. I got a hat! One that actually looks good on me!
4. Got 275 pictures printed, and a bunch of them scrapbooked.
5. Cleaned/organized my room.
6. Finished beating all the team stories on Sonic Heroes. (now for the final story!)
7. Had some good times with the puppets at work.
8. Watched Teen Titans and realized what an awesome show it is.
9. Developed a deeper love for 1920's Fashion
10. Went to a ghetto discount store
11. Discussed Dumpster diving with several people that are surprisingly way into it (still haven't done it though)
12. Ate lots of Asian confections.
13. Had a way fun sleepover with Miche.
14. Met Craig's dad's side of the family and had so much fun!
15. Watched many old home videos.
16. Went on several fun dates with Craig.
17. Hung out with Kim!
18. Saw High School Musical 3 and loved it! It made me way hyper of course. And, bought a cardigan and recieved free ice cream. :)

For New Years Eve I went to the institute dance. I haven't gotten dolled up and went dancing for so long, and it was such a blast. Ah it feels so great to dance! It was amazing. I was able to see some old friends too, which made it all the better. For part of the dance they had a magician come, and I was called up on stage. The magician did a magic trick in which he turned a balloon into a bunny, and because I participated, he gave me a bunny puppet! I named it Duck, because I had told him my favorite animal is a duck. I love bunnies, but I thought that it would make a good name because when I told the Magician that I love ducks, he called the bunny a duck onstage. It was just funny.

Christmas was awesome. I got pop-it beads, a camera, some awesome movies, and of course, a few new things to wear. What can i say? I just love wearing things.

And a marvelous time was had by all. :)

1 comment:

  1. My definition of having an awesome Christmas break is laying around on a couch for a week having no responsibilities. Which is what I did.
