was the best. I love a good break from school.
The best parts were that i got to see Craig every day, and I got to eat real food. Food just isn't as good here at school. And life just isn't as good without Craig!
Here are some other things that happened over the break:
~I worked. It was more fun than a few other promotions I have done, but it was a very challenging one to. I mean,I had to deal with black friday shoppers. But handing out goodie bags and gift cards to tons of people goes by really fast.
~I got new boots! And they are perfect. They are cute, nice and warm, have great tread, and they are not suede, so I am happy. We walked around the mall on wednesday for like 1 1/2 hours, and then finally when we gave up and were on our way out of the mall in JC Penny, we saw that they were having a boot sale! If only we had looked there on our way in...
~I played Zelda at Craig's house. Love it.
~I got to hang out with Miche and Jency! We laughed so much together. Hanging out with them is always like a breath of fresh air.
~I discovered to new favorite movies. I saw The Blind Side friday night, and I recommend it to anyone. It is such a sweet, profound movie, and a true story. It was also surprisingly funny. The other movie was If A Man Answers-a cute one from the 60's. It had some really cute moments and was so funny. And i was amazed at how true to real life the movie was-it made some really funny observations about marriage.
~My sisters sang at the Assembly Hall on Sunday. It was fun to see the old choir and some of my old friends! They did a really good job this year. And my family even took picture afterward! That is amazing.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Lately it seems to me that everyone is having a hard time. So many poeple I know I just...going through many trails and much turmoil.
It's made me think.
Are these people going through these hard times because the state of the world is getting worse, or are they just natural chellenges that come through transitioning into new stages of life?
Lots of older people say the world is getting worse. Is it really? Or are the challenges just changing and switching around? Maybe challenges change for each generation, and as the challenge progresses for the new generatio0n, they think the world is getting worse, and when the older generation see a challenge they aren't used to, they think the worls is getting worse.
Maybe the worls isn't getting worse, it just changes and the advantages and hardships end up being about the same ratio that was in a different time period.
I just felt like writing that down...
It's made me think.
Are these people going through these hard times because the state of the world is getting worse, or are they just natural chellenges that come through transitioning into new stages of life?
Lots of older people say the world is getting worse. Is it really? Or are the challenges just changing and switching around? Maybe challenges change for each generation, and as the challenge progresses for the new generatio0n, they think the world is getting worse, and when the older generation see a challenge they aren't used to, they think the worls is getting worse.
Maybe the worls isn't getting worse, it just changes and the advantages and hardships end up being about the same ratio that was in a different time period.
I just felt like writing that down...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
And still...
No, really, I would love to escape right now. Like as in doing the stuff from the previous list would be the best thing ever.
Thank goodness I am going home for like 6 days next week.
I just keep thinking: Puppies, funny sisters, video games, best friend, and boyfriend.
Next week.
I can make it.
No, don't tell me about how I should be enjoying my life on my own, ok? I am trying, and I am doing a pretty good job.
I just could use the break.
Thank goodness I am going home for like 6 days next week.
I just keep thinking: Puppies, funny sisters, video games, best friend, and boyfriend.
Next week.
I can make it.
No, don't tell me about how I should be enjoying my life on my own, ok? I am trying, and I am doing a pretty good job.
I just could use the break.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Escapist desires escape.
Lately all topics of conversation are sooo...well, grown-up. And all my classes are telling me what I am looking forward to for the rest of my life. I mean all I hear about lately is doctor visits, saving for retirement, the stock market, punishing kids, the small amounts of sleep you get as an adult, mid life crises, physical aging, keeping a house clean, buying a washer, saving money, preparing to get married, preparing for higher spiritual things, preparing for the cost of weddings, dealing with people that have problems, blind dates, registering for another semester of more classes that will tell me how bad my health is, how bad it will be when I have kids, and how my kids are all going tp screw up thier lives if I don't tell them exactly the right things-Shush!
No More!
Nope. Seriously, it's the weekend now, and everyone that is planning to talk to me about anything of this nature needs to zip thier lips right now and leave.
No, really. Shut your face up.
Okay, now, it's not that I am trying to ignore these things in my life, I really am listening, and taking notes, and planning, and getting good grades, and preparing myself for the future. Don't think I am not, because i really am.
But sometimes, you hear so much, and it becomes too much. Honestly, I just need some moments where I am not analyzing, or planning, or anything. Everyone does.
So in honor of shirking reponsibilities and adult-like things for just a little while, I make a list of quick ways to escape.
1. Play a great movie soundtrack and daydream. This is very effective, if you can clear you head. Look on my playlist for inspiration...
2. Go sledding. It's almost time for that to happen!
3. Watch an upbeat movie. Duh. Preferably no coming of age or relationship drama ones.I suggest this:
4. Play Sonic the Hedgehog. Almost any of those games will do. I mean, Sonic is the guru of not taking anything too seriously. That can be a good thing sometimes.
5. Make something really unique, and don't make it to sell it. Make it so that you or a friend will have something cute.
6. Play Wii Sports, or even better, Wii Sports Resort.
7. Write a funny story. It doesn't have to be long.
8. Break out those coloring books.
9. Make a playlist of funny videos on YouTube. Music videos that mock relationship drama are always fun too.
Here a funny one (ok, it's probably not everyone's definition of funny):
Here's One that mocks relationship drama:
10. Make up a fun game on the playground with your friends. my friends and i made one where we had princes, princesses, bad guys, and a king, and it was really fun.
11. Play Ghost in the Graveyard.
12. Play Improv games with your friends. remember when you were like, 15 and those were the coolest?
13. Draw up a little comic strip with you and a friend as the stars. Those are awesome. for example:
14. If you and a friend know how to cut or style hair, and that sounds like a realistic idea, then do it for each other. No fear.
15. Go buy Japanese candy or Pop Rocks or Fun Dip and eat them with your significant other. Or if you wanna be healthy, you can make a fruit smoothie or fruit tea together.
16. Read Laffy Taffy Wrappers.
17. Go on a nature walk.
18. Read Harry Potter
19. Watch Star Wars.
20. Go sword fight.And make your own sword too. href="http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Boffer/Boffer-Generic.html">
21. Have a dance party with your few best friends.
22. Make a superhero identity for yourself. Powers, outfit, what kind of villains you'll fight, all that.
23. Watch Teen Titans. 5 seasons of glorious, hilarious crime fighting.
24. Go to the bookstore and just learn something new. You don't even have to buy anything. But there's a good chance you will. Just go relax and enjoy perusing through books to the sound of soft rock and the smell of expensive coffee.
25. Plan a themed party and go all out with cheesy activities, awesome decorations, and fabulous prizes. (probably from All-A-Dollar)
Here is an action shot of me defeating the Death Star at my Star Wars birthday party:
No More!
Nope. Seriously, it's the weekend now, and everyone that is planning to talk to me about anything of this nature needs to zip thier lips right now and leave.
No, really. Shut your face up.
Okay, now, it's not that I am trying to ignore these things in my life, I really am listening, and taking notes, and planning, and getting good grades, and preparing myself for the future. Don't think I am not, because i really am.
But sometimes, you hear so much, and it becomes too much. Honestly, I just need some moments where I am not analyzing, or planning, or anything. Everyone does.
So in honor of shirking reponsibilities and adult-like things for just a little while, I make a list of quick ways to escape.
1. Play a great movie soundtrack and daydream. This is very effective, if you can clear you head. Look on my playlist for inspiration...
2. Go sledding. It's almost time for that to happen!
3. Watch an upbeat movie. Duh. Preferably no coming of age or relationship drama ones.I suggest this:
4. Play Sonic the Hedgehog. Almost any of those games will do. I mean, Sonic is the guru of not taking anything too seriously. That can be a good thing sometimes.
5. Make something really unique, and don't make it to sell it. Make it so that you or a friend will have something cute.
6. Play Wii Sports, or even better, Wii Sports Resort.
7. Write a funny story. It doesn't have to be long.
8. Break out those coloring books.
9. Make a playlist of funny videos on YouTube. Music videos that mock relationship drama are always fun too.
Here a funny one (ok, it's probably not everyone's definition of funny):
Here's One that mocks relationship drama:
10. Make up a fun game on the playground with your friends. my friends and i made one where we had princes, princesses, bad guys, and a king, and it was really fun.
11. Play Ghost in the Graveyard.
12. Play Improv games with your friends. remember when you were like, 15 and those were the coolest?
13. Draw up a little comic strip with you and a friend as the stars. Those are awesome. for example:
14. If you and a friend know how to cut or style hair, and that sounds like a realistic idea, then do it for each other. No fear.
15. Go buy Japanese candy or Pop Rocks or Fun Dip and eat them with your significant other. Or if you wanna be healthy, you can make a fruit smoothie or fruit tea together.
16. Read Laffy Taffy Wrappers.
17. Go on a nature walk.
18. Read Harry Potter
19. Watch Star Wars.
20. Go sword fight.And make your own sword too. href="http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Boffer/Boffer-Generic.html">
21. Have a dance party with your few best friends.
22. Make a superhero identity for yourself. Powers, outfit, what kind of villains you'll fight, all that.
23. Watch Teen Titans. 5 seasons of glorious, hilarious crime fighting.
24. Go to the bookstore and just learn something new. You don't even have to buy anything. But there's a good chance you will. Just go relax and enjoy perusing through books to the sound of soft rock and the smell of expensive coffee.
25. Plan a themed party and go all out with cheesy activities, awesome decorations, and fabulous prizes. (probably from All-A-Dollar)
Here is an action shot of me defeating the Death Star at my Star Wars birthday party:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Warm Fuzzies in a cold, hard place.
I have been so frustrated lately. so frustrated. The school thinks I am a freshman (they messed up my transcript), I feel like i have no role were within my feeble circle of friends up here, and I often feel judged for my different ways of thinking and doing things. i am also sleep deprived, and I don't dress very cute very often anymore, which is really really sad for me. If you know me, you know what happens when I don't get the chance to express myself through my clothing.
A peaceful moment of daydreaming is rare and always interrupted. My little fantasy world is growing dusty with lack of visitation, and my brain is weary.
I also have a cold.
BUT! Tonight was a tender mercy. Tonight I was invited by my roomate to go to her IWA activity, and I got a little break. We went to her IWA advisor's house to watch a movie.
First, the house. Huge, beautiful and fancy. But if had that lovely feeling in it. You know, that refreshing, clean feeling that houses have, but at the same time totally comfortable and laid back. I think everyone there felt that way. And everyone was nice and friendly! Thank goodness!
Second the movie. We watched Meet The Robinsons, one I have seen many times. I love that movie. It was full of warm fuzzy moments. I want to be Mrs. Robinson when I grow up. She is sweet and has a lot of personality, and she pursues her interests with zeal. :)
A note about futuristic stuff:
Being the escapist that I am, i love the scenery and ideas of the "Todayland" from Meet The Robinsons. I so want cool gear, and a trampoline lawn. I can't wait to decorate my future house all cool and futuristic. I watched the movie with sparkling eyes and a happy imagination.
Anyway, I love that movie, because it A) encourages imagination and B) it tells you to keep moving forward. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's just what i needed. I need to just keep moving forward, looking for better, happier things in life.
I sure love to put my brain in screensaver mode and watch a movie. It nice to not feel like my brain is being ripped apart every once and a while.
Lastly, I just wanna say how glad i am to have a sympathetic, encouraging boyfriend. He helps me to-
Keep Moving Forward.
A peaceful moment of daydreaming is rare and always interrupted. My little fantasy world is growing dusty with lack of visitation, and my brain is weary.
I also have a cold.
BUT! Tonight was a tender mercy. Tonight I was invited by my roomate to go to her IWA activity, and I got a little break. We went to her IWA advisor's house to watch a movie.
First, the house. Huge, beautiful and fancy. But if had that lovely feeling in it. You know, that refreshing, clean feeling that houses have, but at the same time totally comfortable and laid back. I think everyone there felt that way. And everyone was nice and friendly! Thank goodness!
Second the movie. We watched Meet The Robinsons, one I have seen many times. I love that movie. It was full of warm fuzzy moments. I want to be Mrs. Robinson when I grow up. She is sweet and has a lot of personality, and she pursues her interests with zeal. :)
A note about futuristic stuff:
Being the escapist that I am, i love the scenery and ideas of the "Todayland" from Meet The Robinsons. I so want cool gear, and a trampoline lawn. I can't wait to decorate my future house all cool and futuristic. I watched the movie with sparkling eyes and a happy imagination.
Anyway, I love that movie, because it A) encourages imagination and B) it tells you to keep moving forward. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's just what i needed. I need to just keep moving forward, looking for better, happier things in life.
I sure love to put my brain in screensaver mode and watch a movie. It nice to not feel like my brain is being ripped apart every once and a while.
Lastly, I just wanna say how glad i am to have a sympathetic, encouraging boyfriend. He helps me to-
Keep Moving Forward.
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