Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

was the best. I love a good break from school.

The best parts were that i got to see Craig every day, and I got to eat real food. Food just isn't as good here at school. And life just isn't as good without Craig!

Here are some other things that happened over the break:
~I worked. It was more fun than a few other promotions I have done, but it was a very challenging one to. I mean,I had to deal with black friday shoppers. But handing out goodie bags and gift cards to tons of people goes by really fast.
~I got new boots! And they are perfect. They are cute, nice and warm, have great tread, and they are not suede, so I am happy. We walked around the mall on wednesday for like 1 1/2 hours, and then finally when we gave up and were on our way out of the mall in JC Penny, we saw that they were having a boot sale! If only we had looked there on our way in...
~I played Zelda at Craig's house. Love it.
~I got to hang out with Miche and Jency! We laughed so much together. Hanging out with them is always like a breath of fresh air.
~I discovered to new favorite movies. I saw The Blind Side friday night, and I recommend it to anyone. It is such a sweet, profound movie, and a true story. It was also surprisingly funny. The other movie was If A Man Answers-a cute one from the 60's. It had some really cute moments and was so funny. And i was amazed at how true to real life the movie was-it made some really funny observations about marriage.
~My sisters sang at the Assembly Hall on Sunday. It was fun to see the old choir and some of my old friends! They did a really good job this year. And my family even took picture afterward! That is amazing.

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