Another snapshot, just like last year:
Where I am: Sitting on my bed, in my apartment.
What I am wearing: Jeans, brown socks, yellow tank under a red long-sleeved shirt, under a black pinstriped vest. I was wearing a vest last time i did this too! which is funny because I don't actually wear vests that much. Also wearing a colorful native american patterned scarf from Icing, a white headband, gray pearl earrings, and my ring.
Where I am going after this: NOWHERE! I am home for the night, where it's nice and warm.
Stuff I want right now:
-Dinner. It's almost done. I can't wait to try this famous "sticky chicken."
-To not feel the guilt of not getting things done that so desperately need to get done.
-My packages to get here.
Currently reading: Nothing. I haven't been interested in books lately, unless they are craft-related
Currently watching: Nothing, actually, unless you count my youtube subscriptions. I watch makeup tutorials almost every day. :)
What I did yesterday:
-Packed to leave Salt Lake :(
-Went to see Tangled. Very awesome.
-Went thrift shopping with Kim. Also very awesome.
- Hung out at the Sharple's and played monkeyball. So fun!
-Ate dinner
-Drove back home to the cold north.
-Unpacked and crashed.
What I am doing tonight: Watching Van Helsing and maybe making crafts. :)
What I am doing tomorrow: Working..........................................
The background on my phone is: A hear in the snow made of footprints that I found on my parent's stairs.
The background on my laptop is: A scene from the movie "My Neighbor Totoro." But my computer is sick, so I am using Craig's. His background is a funny picture from his mission.
Who I miss: Miche. :(
How I feel right now: Like I have a lot of relaxing and fun things I want to do and not enough time for all of it. Dreading working for 9 hours tomorrow, because I just feel like being lazy. So, I guess I feel Lazy.
What I am thinking about: The various small tasks I should do tonight and wondering how late I can get away with staying up. And...dinner is almost done!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Feeling Nostalgic
Maybe it's because Christmas is coming, maybe it's because I have too much time to think and too little time to talk to people, I don't know, but I have been very nostalgic lately.
Sunday night my sisters and I watched two of my favorite childhood movies: Fievel Goes West and The Rogue Stallion. If you don't know, Fievel Goes West is a sequel to the 80's Steven Speilberg cartoon, An American Tale-which is a classic. This sequel is really cheesy, and I don't care so much for it now.
But Rogue Stallion....beautiful! I wonder if I can find it on DVD? I love that movie.
Anyway, I've actually been feeling even more nostalgic about the things I was involved in during Jr. High and High School. Yes, I definitely had the drama, immaturity, and general ridiculousness in my teen years that I am so glad is behind me. But I also had some great experiences. And I just want to shout out to my friends that were there with me.
Leadership For Greatness: Remember this awesome club? Our crazy speeches and debates we had to do, the service we were involved in, the event planning, dancing, competing in the Shakespeare Competition, discussing books and articles, thinking about how we could better ourselves and the world...this group made a huge impact on me. There are so many friends I made there that I don't talk to much anymore, but I will always hold them in high esteem.
Choir: This is where I first learned to hug my friends. Sounds wierd, but I was 13, shy and though I knew how to be myself, I didn't know how to do that while actually interacting with others. Choir used to be the highlight of my week. we all did so many crazy things, before, during and after practice. In conjunction with that, when I was 14, I was cast as the lead in the Pirates of Penzance. That was a big deal for me. It kind of still is, actually. A lot of people don't want to admit how being involved in musical theatre as a teen impacted them and that is was really exciting for them, but hey, it was awesome. I had a pretty great group of friends.
Clogging: I had a great team. A lot of other dance teams had drama going on between them, but my team was so chill. Competitions were so fun.
Art class: This was my secret refuge. While there was all sorts of craziness going on in chior, LFG, and dance, this was such a completely different environment. We all just sat there, quietly drawing, talking, and joking in my art teacher's awesome studio, while interesting music or books on CD played in the background. Zach, remember all the wierd jokes we made up? And remember those hyper girls that always sang the words "paint your hair"? I remember that kid that drew a picture of the band Nirvana, and I remember all the random discussions about metaphysics, and "crystal children", and the beauty of nature. I miss that. Sometimes I think I should just get a group of friends to draw or color with me every week to see if we can get amazing conversations like that going again.
Babysitting: This was my other secret refuge. I babysat this great family in my ward, Connor, Emmy, and eventually Simon. I had funnier inside jokes with these kids than I did with my friends! This family introduced me to some of my favorite things. We did all sorts of fun things; playing sonic and monkeyball until our brains were completely over-stimuated, playing music and having mini dance parties, Emmy and I giving each other glitter-tastic makeovers, watching Studio Ghibli movies, Otter-Pops and Oreos, and overly-buttered popcorn to the max, those giant blocks that we built a castle with, playing piano for each other, and making sure nothing got destroyed when oreo and otterpop induced frenzies came on. I loved it. This was THE place to be silly make all those hilarious jokes that wouldn't appeal all my "cool" teenage friends. Connor and Emmy, thanks. I don't know if you will ever know how great those times were for me.
And then there was going to all the dances, the group games, "ghost in the graveyard", playing on the rope swing, walking to the park and looking at everything on the way, sleepovers, walking more places-it was just fun to walk around and see everything.
Thanks friends, for making me not completely hate being a teenager. And a special thanks to those that are still with me, looking forward to more exploration, more joking around, and more mind-blowing conversations.
Sunday night my sisters and I watched two of my favorite childhood movies: Fievel Goes West and The Rogue Stallion. If you don't know, Fievel Goes West is a sequel to the 80's Steven Speilberg cartoon, An American Tale-which is a classic. This sequel is really cheesy, and I don't care so much for it now.
But Rogue Stallion....beautiful! I wonder if I can find it on DVD? I love that movie.
Anyway, I've actually been feeling even more nostalgic about the things I was involved in during Jr. High and High School. Yes, I definitely had the drama, immaturity, and general ridiculousness in my teen years that I am so glad is behind me. But I also had some great experiences. And I just want to shout out to my friends that were there with me.
Leadership For Greatness: Remember this awesome club? Our crazy speeches and debates we had to do, the service we were involved in, the event planning, dancing, competing in the Shakespeare Competition, discussing books and articles, thinking about how we could better ourselves and the world...this group made a huge impact on me. There are so many friends I made there that I don't talk to much anymore, but I will always hold them in high esteem.
Choir: This is where I first learned to hug my friends. Sounds wierd, but I was 13, shy and though I knew how to be myself, I didn't know how to do that while actually interacting with others. Choir used to be the highlight of my week. we all did so many crazy things, before, during and after practice. In conjunction with that, when I was 14, I was cast as the lead in the Pirates of Penzance. That was a big deal for me. It kind of still is, actually. A lot of people don't want to admit how being involved in musical theatre as a teen impacted them and that is was really exciting for them, but hey, it was awesome. I had a pretty great group of friends.
Clogging: I had a great team. A lot of other dance teams had drama going on between them, but my team was so chill. Competitions were so fun.
Art class: This was my secret refuge. While there was all sorts of craziness going on in chior, LFG, and dance, this was such a completely different environment. We all just sat there, quietly drawing, talking, and joking in my art teacher's awesome studio, while interesting music or books on CD played in the background. Zach, remember all the wierd jokes we made up? And remember those hyper girls that always sang the words "paint your hair"? I remember that kid that drew a picture of the band Nirvana, and I remember all the random discussions about metaphysics, and "crystal children", and the beauty of nature. I miss that. Sometimes I think I should just get a group of friends to draw or color with me every week to see if we can get amazing conversations like that going again.
Babysitting: This was my other secret refuge. I babysat this great family in my ward, Connor, Emmy, and eventually Simon. I had funnier inside jokes with these kids than I did with my friends! This family introduced me to some of my favorite things. We did all sorts of fun things; playing sonic and monkeyball until our brains were completely over-stimuated, playing music and having mini dance parties, Emmy and I giving each other glitter-tastic makeovers, watching Studio Ghibli movies, Otter-Pops and Oreos, and overly-buttered popcorn to the max, those giant blocks that we built a castle with, playing piano for each other, and making sure nothing got destroyed when oreo and otterpop induced frenzies came on. I loved it. This was THE place to be silly make all those hilarious jokes that wouldn't appeal all my "cool" teenage friends. Connor and Emmy, thanks. I don't know if you will ever know how great those times were for me.
And then there was going to all the dances, the group games, "ghost in the graveyard", playing on the rope swing, walking to the park and looking at everything on the way, sleepovers, walking more places-it was just fun to walk around and see everything.
Thanks friends, for making me not completely hate being a teenager. And a special thanks to those that are still with me, looking forward to more exploration, more joking around, and more mind-blowing conversations.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Stuff to anticipate.
I'm going to try to make this short, because I should be doing homework. I am SWAMPED with homework.
Right now, there are a few things in my life that I am anticipating.
1. Animals. Lately, I am just dying for a little pet. I miss my little doggies at my parent's house so much! I can't wait to see them in a couple days. Also, I found a little dog on facebook named Boo.
Boo is probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen pictures and videos of, ever. He makes sunshine explode out of my heart and vocal chords whenever I look at his page. I think he is a Pomeranian with a haircut. So now I love Pomeranian.

And on top of that, Craig and I went to Petsmart just for fun on Saturday because we both love animals so much that even looking at them at a pet store makes us giddy. Heck, we even like looking at the toys and treats. Well, Saturdays at petsmart are adoption days, meaning they bring in animals for the local shelter for people to interact with and adopt. Guess what was there? A Pomeranian. She was so adorable, that I almost cried. The whole rest of the afternoon I imagined me and this little cute dog being best friends and all the fun times we would have together.
So after that experience I decided that I want to volunteer at the animal shelter, and that is what I am anticipating. I hope it works out.
2. Harry Potter. We are such crazy fanatics that we are dressing up, partying, and going to the midnight showing. I don't really even care too much about how the movie measures up to the book, I just love the experience of it all!!
3. Holidays. I am so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I told my mom that we are Black Friday shopping thanksgiving night at the mall this year. So excited. Mostly, I am just excited to spend time with my family. Mine and Craig's niece is walking now, and she is sooo cute. And my sister, Laura, is coming home for a while and I have hardly seen her since I got married. I just miss everyone so much and can't wait to see them!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
This weekend.
My husband went on his family's annual hunting/camping trip this weekend, and sadly I could not go because of my job. I didn't mind this too much, except I was so afraid I was going to be super lonely without Craig!
However, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to have a fun weekend with lots of "girl time" So I invited one of my best friends, Kim, to come over for the weekend.
Friday: Kim arrived around 6 and we ate pasta and yummy leftover sauce I had in the fridge.
My friend/former roomate Heather and her friend Jordan came over for a little bit, for the purpose of me doing thier makeup for a costume party that night. Heather was wearing a lime green 60's bob wig with a purple shirt, so I gave her bright purple eyelids with a huge cat-eye, and green underneath the eyes. It was pretty gorgeous. :)
Her friend Jordan, was going to be a certain basketball player (I can't remember who) and needed a fake scruffy goatee look. Makeup beards are so easyand fun, so that was a paice of cake, and it did look surprisingly like the goatee the player has.
After Heather and Jordan left, Kim and I proceeded to get ready for the homecoming dance. We didn't know if there was a theme, but we fingured since it was free it would probably be a casual dance, so we more t-shirts tucked into pleated skirts and sneakers (with amazing makeup of course) The dance was so fun. There was a Ballroom dance room for those who preffered the formal date setting, and a hip-hop room for everyone else. We went straight to the hip-hop room and danced our faces off. We ran into a bunch of my friends and joined thier little cluster right by the stage, and danced our faces off even more. See, at dances, we don't talk much; we don't really touch each other. We Just dance independently with each other, being as fun and creative as we can, until it's painful, and then keep dancing until the pain doesn't matter anymore and we go into dancing nirvana. It's amazing. We don't dance to meet new people, we don't dance to find romance or physical affection, we just dance for the sake of dancing.
One friend of Kim's that we ran into was especially great at this. He is in a pro breakdancing troupe, and was pretty amazing-not just at break dancing, but dancing in general.
It was so refreshing just go and dance. I definitely needed that.
Saturday: I had to do a quick task for work early in the morning (to help get the staduim ready for the homecoming game) and Kim kindly drove me there. It was freezing. But things got done faster than usual, which made me really glad. When I got home, Kim and I decided to make some herbal tea (she had mint/lavender and I had peach) which was lovely. Kim made the best oatmeal I have ever had for breakfast; really it was amazing! She is a very talented cook! In fact, she is soon going to open an Indian food cart. Look up Curryosity on facebook. I have tried her indian food and it is amazing.
After breakfast we talked and played on youtube for a little while. Once of my favorite things to do with friends is just sit there and talk. We had fun laughing at all sorts of things, from stuff we did when we first became friends 6 years ago, to a hilarious blog, (A hyperbole and a half) to the spelling we used in elementary school (ex: The Mostders pot out and it searred me.)
After a while, we decided it was time to go shopping. We walked around the mall for a couple hours talking fashion (basically talking fashion is the BEST) and getting ideas for crafts. We didn't see anything we felt was quite worth spending money on, and so we ate at Carl's Jr. (Kim and I always go to Carl's Jr when we hang out-it's like an unofficial tradition!) and went to D.I (trift store) where we imediately found tons of amazing clothing and accessories! I bought 3 belts and a hoodie (which i plan on altering) and Kim found this amazing fur coat.
I love hanging out with Kim because she is so proactive and creative. She always helps me get lots of ideas going in my head! She is also very down-to-earth and I feel totally comfortable around her. We can talk about anything, and I can trust her to be a true friend. I am so grateful to have her.
When it was time for us to part ways, we both agreed that this was a much needed weekend. It was so incredibly refreshing to hang out with her and I feel totally motivated in so many areas of my life now! Thanks so much Kim, for the great weekend! You amaze me!
And now, I can't wait for my wonderful husband to come home. Let's hope he brings good news of a catch!
However, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to have a fun weekend with lots of "girl time" So I invited one of my best friends, Kim, to come over for the weekend.
Friday: Kim arrived around 6 and we ate pasta and yummy leftover sauce I had in the fridge.
My friend/former roomate Heather and her friend Jordan came over for a little bit, for the purpose of me doing thier makeup for a costume party that night. Heather was wearing a lime green 60's bob wig with a purple shirt, so I gave her bright purple eyelids with a huge cat-eye, and green underneath the eyes. It was pretty gorgeous. :)
Her friend Jordan, was going to be a certain basketball player (I can't remember who) and needed a fake scruffy goatee look. Makeup beards are so easyand fun, so that was a paice of cake, and it did look surprisingly like the goatee the player has.
After Heather and Jordan left, Kim and I proceeded to get ready for the homecoming dance. We didn't know if there was a theme, but we fingured since it was free it would probably be a casual dance, so we more t-shirts tucked into pleated skirts and sneakers (with amazing makeup of course) The dance was so fun. There was a Ballroom dance room for those who preffered the formal date setting, and a hip-hop room for everyone else. We went straight to the hip-hop room and danced our faces off. We ran into a bunch of my friends and joined thier little cluster right by the stage, and danced our faces off even more. See, at dances, we don't talk much; we don't really touch each other. We Just dance independently with each other, being as fun and creative as we can, until it's painful, and then keep dancing until the pain doesn't matter anymore and we go into dancing nirvana. It's amazing. We don't dance to meet new people, we don't dance to find romance or physical affection, we just dance for the sake of dancing.
One friend of Kim's that we ran into was especially great at this. He is in a pro breakdancing troupe, and was pretty amazing-not just at break dancing, but dancing in general.
It was so refreshing just go and dance. I definitely needed that.
Saturday: I had to do a quick task for work early in the morning (to help get the staduim ready for the homecoming game) and Kim kindly drove me there. It was freezing. But things got done faster than usual, which made me really glad. When I got home, Kim and I decided to make some herbal tea (she had mint/lavender and I had peach) which was lovely. Kim made the best oatmeal I have ever had for breakfast; really it was amazing! She is a very talented cook! In fact, she is soon going to open an Indian food cart. Look up Curryosity on facebook. I have tried her indian food and it is amazing.
After breakfast we talked and played on youtube for a little while. Once of my favorite things to do with friends is just sit there and talk. We had fun laughing at all sorts of things, from stuff we did when we first became friends 6 years ago, to a hilarious blog, (A hyperbole and a half) to the spelling we used in elementary school (ex: The Mostders pot out and it searred me.)
After a while, we decided it was time to go shopping. We walked around the mall for a couple hours talking fashion (basically talking fashion is the BEST) and getting ideas for crafts. We didn't see anything we felt was quite worth spending money on, and so we ate at Carl's Jr. (Kim and I always go to Carl's Jr when we hang out-it's like an unofficial tradition!) and went to D.I (trift store) where we imediately found tons of amazing clothing and accessories! I bought 3 belts and a hoodie (which i plan on altering) and Kim found this amazing fur coat.
I love hanging out with Kim because she is so proactive and creative. She always helps me get lots of ideas going in my head! She is also very down-to-earth and I feel totally comfortable around her. We can talk about anything, and I can trust her to be a true friend. I am so grateful to have her.
When it was time for us to part ways, we both agreed that this was a much needed weekend. It was so incredibly refreshing to hang out with her and I feel totally motivated in so many areas of my life now! Thanks so much Kim, for the great weekend! You amaze me!
And now, I can't wait for my wonderful husband to come home. Let's hope he brings good news of a catch!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Fall fall fall
Work: This week is the one not-busy week for work. Luckily, it happens to be the busiest week of school for me so far this semester. I say luckily because I can skimp on work in the name of homework this week more than I could any other week. Really, I shouldn't be writing this blog right now, I should be studying for a rather hefty exam tomorrow....but I digress. I just want to say, I am enjoying the benefits of having a job that requires some physical labor, because my arms are nice and toned and I am dropping weight!
My manager is really nice and very easy to talk to. My coworkers and I get along quite well, and there's kind of this thing where we try to do tricks. You know those tricks that people do with their hands in elementary school? We love stuff like that.
Home:Due to the busy schedules Craig and I have, our apartment looks like a disaster. When it's clean, it looks great, I promise. But today, it is not clean. Also, we've both had major problems staying asleep lately, and for a while we couldn't figure out what it was. Today, Craig realized that it's probably due to the fact that we have a semi-studio apartment, meaning there are only walls, not doors, between rooms. All my life I've never enjoyed sleeping in a room with an open door. So, we are going to get a nice curtain to hang in the doorway between the front room and our room. Hopefully that will help us sleep better!
School:'s stressful. What else is there to discuss? I am going to go to the career counseling center soon to decide what direction to go in my major and look at other major/minor options. I just don't feel very excited about what I am learning in my major.
Fun: We are helping out with selling crafts at the family booth at Sleepy Millcreek Hollow this year. Sleepy Millcreek Hollow ( is a little Halloween festival (including a haunted trail) put on by the same people that coordinate the ever-popular Renaissance Fair held every May. I absolutely love being involved in this. I love sitting out in the fall woods sharing a love for costumes and handmade goodies with other people.

This is our booth. Simple and natural.
Other than that, I think grocery shopping can be pretty fun. Between school and work, opportunities for socializing are scarce right now, so we just try to make our everyday activities as fun as possible.
Me: Other than all of that, I am just trying to keep up. I play with makeup whenever the opportunity arises, and make crafts when I can. I am in a wonderful institute class where Craig and I have grown so much spiritually. I am looking to join a couple of clubs on campus, and I try to resist impulse buying :) Mostly, I just try to keep it real.
My manager is really nice and very easy to talk to. My coworkers and I get along quite well, and there's kind of this thing where we try to do tricks. You know those tricks that people do with their hands in elementary school? We love stuff like that.
Home:Due to the busy schedules Craig and I have, our apartment looks like a disaster. When it's clean, it looks great, I promise. But today, it is not clean. Also, we've both had major problems staying asleep lately, and for a while we couldn't figure out what it was. Today, Craig realized that it's probably due to the fact that we have a semi-studio apartment, meaning there are only walls, not doors, between rooms. All my life I've never enjoyed sleeping in a room with an open door. So, we are going to get a nice curtain to hang in the doorway between the front room and our room. Hopefully that will help us sleep better!
School:'s stressful. What else is there to discuss? I am going to go to the career counseling center soon to decide what direction to go in my major and look at other major/minor options. I just don't feel very excited about what I am learning in my major.
Fun: We are helping out with selling crafts at the family booth at Sleepy Millcreek Hollow this year. Sleepy Millcreek Hollow ( is a little Halloween festival (including a haunted trail) put on by the same people that coordinate the ever-popular Renaissance Fair held every May. I absolutely love being involved in this. I love sitting out in the fall woods sharing a love for costumes and handmade goodies with other people.

This is my gypsy costume from last week. Of course, everything in this "costume" is clothing I already own and wear.

This is our booth. Simple and natural.
Other than that, I think grocery shopping can be pretty fun. Between school and work, opportunities for socializing are scarce right now, so we just try to make our everyday activities as fun as possible.
Me: Other than all of that, I am just trying to keep up. I play with makeup whenever the opportunity arises, and make crafts when I can. I am in a wonderful institute class where Craig and I have grown so much spiritually. I am looking to join a couple of clubs on campus, and I try to resist impulse buying :) Mostly, I just try to keep it real.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Lessons I found in video games
The Monkeyball Games:
Sometimes it's all about thinking it through and figuring it out in your head, and other times it's all about just going for the goal without looking around or hesitating. Either way can be very rewarding.
The way you think about a problem or challenge can sometimes determine your success. And sometimes your success will change the way you think about things. Perspective is such an important key to learning.
The Sonic the Hedgehog games:
"Nothing starts until you take action. If you have time to worry, just run." Just start working on what is worrying you, or if you can't, forget about it for a while!
Helping people can be fun!
You can still be happy while doing difficult or scary things.
It's important to follow your heart, because everyone has an intuition about right and wrong. If you are doing what is right, never give up your fight.
When you are confident in yourself, not much can stop you. It's not always easy to as confident as the characters in Sonic, it's worth it to work towards confidence and independence.
Whatever you do with your life, you should enjoy it and be able to find ways to make it fun. That's what will take you far, is finding enough enjoyment in your work to make you work hard.
Legend of Zelda:
If you are humble, the good things you do will become great.
You don't become a legend by being selfish and lazy. You have to give service to others and work hard.
Music is a wonderful tool that can be used for good.
Sometimes it's all about thinking it through and figuring it out in your head, and other times it's all about just going for the goal without looking around or hesitating. Either way can be very rewarding.
The way you think about a problem or challenge can sometimes determine your success. And sometimes your success will change the way you think about things. Perspective is such an important key to learning.
The Sonic the Hedgehog games:
"Nothing starts until you take action. If you have time to worry, just run." Just start working on what is worrying you, or if you can't, forget about it for a while!
Helping people can be fun!
You can still be happy while doing difficult or scary things.
It's important to follow your heart, because everyone has an intuition about right and wrong. If you are doing what is right, never give up your fight.
When you are confident in yourself, not much can stop you. It's not always easy to as confident as the characters in Sonic, it's worth it to work towards confidence and independence.
Whatever you do with your life, you should enjoy it and be able to find ways to make it fun. That's what will take you far, is finding enough enjoyment in your work to make you work hard.
Legend of Zelda:
If you are humble, the good things you do will become great.
You don't become a legend by being selfish and lazy. You have to give service to others and work hard.
Music is a wonderful tool that can be used for good.
The end of summer
Here are some new things in my life:
New Job: Working on the events crew at school. This includes taking care of cleaning the various sports venues on campus, and being there for set up and take down of events in said sports venues. I also have to be there during events to clean anything as needed. I like my job, my co-workers and managers are all fun and humorous people. It's definitely different from any job I have had before, but I like that it keeps me moving and active, and time flies by where you are detail cleaning various parts of a basketball court. Plus I ran into the men's basketball coach on the elevator and even had a short conversation with him, which is awesome because he is practically worshiped by the student body. Nobody ever gets to talk to him, any many people are too scared to try. Luckily he greeted me first in this case.
New favorite movie: Fantastic Mr. Fox. Incredible animation and the dialogue is genius. It's definitely in the "hilarious and heartwarming" category, but the humor goes where many other movies don't, with many precious awkward moments. It's pretty quotable as well. Being from a Roald Dahl book, the storyline is, of course, very fun. The soundtrack is great. Definitely in the "buy ASAP" category for the DVD and soundtrack for me.
New major: I changed my major to Family, Consumer, and Human Development, and the new semester starts on Monday. It's very similar to my old major. I don't feel all that excited to learn yet, which is a shame because usually I am excited for at least one class just for the subject of it. I am having a hard time feeling committed to a major. As my sister and one of my old roommates has said before: "Can't I just major in crafts?"
New TV show of interest: My sisters have been watching a lot of Bones lately, and that is a pretty fascinating show. The characters are so quirky and fascinating, which is what really makes this show stand out. It makes me think about how interesting people are, after all, it's my interest in people that keeps me somewhat interested in my major.
I though a lot last week about whether I am an interesting person or not. Everybody is a lot less simple than they seem. Well, that's obvious.
Everyone is complicated, but I don't know if all those little complications and quirks people have matter so much as what they choose to do with what they have.
New Job: Working on the events crew at school. This includes taking care of cleaning the various sports venues on campus, and being there for set up and take down of events in said sports venues. I also have to be there during events to clean anything as needed. I like my job, my co-workers and managers are all fun and humorous people. It's definitely different from any job I have had before, but I like that it keeps me moving and active, and time flies by where you are detail cleaning various parts of a basketball court. Plus I ran into the men's basketball coach on the elevator and even had a short conversation with him, which is awesome because he is practically worshiped by the student body. Nobody ever gets to talk to him, any many people are too scared to try. Luckily he greeted me first in this case.
New favorite movie: Fantastic Mr. Fox. Incredible animation and the dialogue is genius. It's definitely in the "hilarious and heartwarming" category, but the humor goes where many other movies don't, with many precious awkward moments. It's pretty quotable as well. Being from a Roald Dahl book, the storyline is, of course, very fun. The soundtrack is great. Definitely in the "buy ASAP" category for the DVD and soundtrack for me.
New major: I changed my major to Family, Consumer, and Human Development, and the new semester starts on Monday. It's very similar to my old major. I don't feel all that excited to learn yet, which is a shame because usually I am excited for at least one class just for the subject of it. I am having a hard time feeling committed to a major. As my sister and one of my old roommates has said before: "Can't I just major in crafts?"
New TV show of interest: My sisters have been watching a lot of Bones lately, and that is a pretty fascinating show. The characters are so quirky and fascinating, which is what really makes this show stand out. It makes me think about how interesting people are, after all, it's my interest in people that keeps me somewhat interested in my major.
I though a lot last week about whether I am an interesting person or not. Everybody is a lot less simple than they seem. Well, that's obvious.
Everyone is complicated, but I don't know if all those little complications and quirks people have matter so much as what they choose to do with what they have.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Word Barf, Married Life, and Confidence
Word Barf:
That's what I have found my blog to be. This blog probably makes me sound incredibly moody, unintelligent, and irresponsible. I hope it hasn't given too much of a bad impression. The thing is, I really am a great writer. I just don't care to write anything that good on here. I always get A's on my papers, and have ever since I can remember. If I had a career as a writer or journalist, I would be successful, and hate every second of it.
I guess I am just validating to myself that even though I don't have a pretty background, I am not good at posting cool photos, and my prose isn't gorgeous, the whole point of this blog from the beginning was to help me document my life, and let out the topics struggling to get out. I don't know why I write what I write, but I don't really care.
Married Life:
I got married on June 1st, 2010. It was amazing. Since getting married, my character and personality are already evolving in totally new ways. Sharing life with Craig is great because everything is so much more rich with humor, fascinating, and fun. We really ignite each others' creativity. What I've found is that what makes Craig and I fit together so well is that we are both dreamers. We daydream about all these fantastic things, and we yearn for life to be extraordinary.
Anyway. We've got our apartment looking pretty cute now, and have made a couple friends in the ward. Life isn't easy, but it is so much better. Maybe I will post about the cruise we went on for our honeymoon, but honestly the most exciting part for me was buying stuff to wear. I was so tired the whole time, because the ship made me super dizzy.
But there was a craft fair at Freeport, and that just made me so happy. I bought the cutest seashell earrings, and we got christmas ornaments.
I also bought a t-shirt, to cut and tie, a pin made from fish scales, and a dress. woo!
Something I lack lately. Reasons?
1. I've been gaining weight. After going a month before the wedding too stressed and busy for healthy food or an exercise regimen, it's become difficult to get back on track. I hate how it makes me feel. and I hate how tired I am. Seriously, all the *insert bad word here* that happened with the wedding practically destroyed my body. Why is everyone so mean to brides?
2. Job hunting. I've been going at it for way too long. It makes me feel sooo...dumb. I have learned all the tricks for writing good resumes, how to dress and talk like the perfect job candidate, but I just can't get a job. It's so frustrating to me, and I feel like an invalid, spending so much time at home. I know it's mostly because there are very few jobs available and many, many seekers, but I need to work. I need it to be sane. Everyone does. Plus with this constant applying for jobs, I feel this huge pressure to be absolutely perfect, and I am not.
I don't know what to do about it. I feel like even bringing these thing up now is a bad idea, like it'll just make everything worse. Somehow I just keep trying to get a job. That's one thing about me that would make me a valuable employee, is that no matter how bad it is, I just keep trying anyway with a smile on my face. I have gotten really good at pretending to be perfect, that's for sure. I should be a secret agent, seriously.
All in all, life is still better being married. Craig is so encouraging and we have so much fun together.
That's what I have found my blog to be. This blog probably makes me sound incredibly moody, unintelligent, and irresponsible. I hope it hasn't given too much of a bad impression. The thing is, I really am a great writer. I just don't care to write anything that good on here. I always get A's on my papers, and have ever since I can remember. If I had a career as a writer or journalist, I would be successful, and hate every second of it.
I guess I am just validating to myself that even though I don't have a pretty background, I am not good at posting cool photos, and my prose isn't gorgeous, the whole point of this blog from the beginning was to help me document my life, and let out the topics struggling to get out. I don't know why I write what I write, but I don't really care.
Married Life:
I got married on June 1st, 2010. It was amazing. Since getting married, my character and personality are already evolving in totally new ways. Sharing life with Craig is great because everything is so much more rich with humor, fascinating, and fun. We really ignite each others' creativity. What I've found is that what makes Craig and I fit together so well is that we are both dreamers. We daydream about all these fantastic things, and we yearn for life to be extraordinary.
Anyway. We've got our apartment looking pretty cute now, and have made a couple friends in the ward. Life isn't easy, but it is so much better. Maybe I will post about the cruise we went on for our honeymoon, but honestly the most exciting part for me was buying stuff to wear. I was so tired the whole time, because the ship made me super dizzy.
But there was a craft fair at Freeport, and that just made me so happy. I bought the cutest seashell earrings, and we got christmas ornaments.
I also bought a t-shirt, to cut and tie, a pin made from fish scales, and a dress. woo!
Something I lack lately. Reasons?
1. I've been gaining weight. After going a month before the wedding too stressed and busy for healthy food or an exercise regimen, it's become difficult to get back on track. I hate how it makes me feel. and I hate how tired I am. Seriously, all the *insert bad word here* that happened with the wedding practically destroyed my body. Why is everyone so mean to brides?
2. Job hunting. I've been going at it for way too long. It makes me feel sooo...dumb. I have learned all the tricks for writing good resumes, how to dress and talk like the perfect job candidate, but I just can't get a job. It's so frustrating to me, and I feel like an invalid, spending so much time at home. I know it's mostly because there are very few jobs available and many, many seekers, but I need to work. I need it to be sane. Everyone does. Plus with this constant applying for jobs, I feel this huge pressure to be absolutely perfect, and I am not.
I don't know what to do about it. I feel like even bringing these thing up now is a bad idea, like it'll just make everything worse. Somehow I just keep trying to get a job. That's one thing about me that would make me a valuable employee, is that no matter how bad it is, I just keep trying anyway with a smile on my face. I have gotten really good at pretending to be perfect, that's for sure. I should be a secret agent, seriously.
All in all, life is still better being married. Craig is so encouraging and we have so much fun together.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Stuff that is going on in my life
My life is moving at a million MPH right now.
I don't move that fast, unfortunately, because I have a killer head cold that makes me desperate to sleep for hours on end. I am starting to get better though, and hope that I am done being sick for a while, since I have been sick most of the past semester.
Anyway, here is what has happened this month:
Finals Week:In all honesty, finals week is the most fun week of the semester. Study for a couple hours each day, as needed, and then you are free to play the rest of the day! And play I did. Lots of coolies and cheesy movies were involved. We watched The Hobbit and Willow-I'm almost always up for old-school fantasy movies. Hot Rod and many a Spongebob episode were thrown in too.
The Wednesday of finals week, I finished all my tests, and Corey, Jacob, Craig S., Ben, and two new-ish girls in the group went and jumped off a bridge, right into a very, very, very cold river. It was frightening and exhilarating. When I jumped in, the water froze up my muscles and lungs, and knocked the wind out of me. I could barely move enough to swim, and almost got swept under the bridge. But I made it, and proved to myself yet again that I am strong and can handle difficult things.That night, Corey, Claire, Jacob, and Liz and I had a bonfire in an alcove in the side of the mountain. It was awesome. We made crazy tribal noises. And roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.
I love adventures; I love nature.
The next day I packed up and moved out of my apartment. It took FOREVER to clean the hard water deposits off the shower. (That was one of my assigned jobs.) It's nice I won't be going back.
Being Home:
Craig and I went on the first real date we've had in a while, and it was nice, but my tolerance for restaurant food is ever-decreasing. But we saw Iron Man 2, which is one of my new favorites.
Last Monday, I got to go see Fun., Relient K, and Paramore perform at the E-center, with Craig, RJ, and Miche. So chawsome. They all were such great performers-totally rocking out.

Of course, we went to Denny's afterward, nice and hyper.
The Friday after that, Craig and I started moving stuff into our apartment. Woo hoo! We really like our little place. I am going to make it look super cute!!
Saturday I went through the temple for the first time, and is was simply wonderful. It pretty much erased most of my stressed out feelings. I want to go as often as possible.
Other than that, I am working on little wedding details 24/7. I am always tired, and can hardly keep my thoughts in order, but it's all coming together, and there is so much good to anticipate.
My life is moving at a million MPH right now.
I don't move that fast, unfortunately, because I have a killer head cold that makes me desperate to sleep for hours on end. I am starting to get better though, and hope that I am done being sick for a while, since I have been sick most of the past semester.
Anyway, here is what has happened this month:
Finals Week:In all honesty, finals week is the most fun week of the semester. Study for a couple hours each day, as needed, and then you are free to play the rest of the day! And play I did. Lots of coolies and cheesy movies were involved. We watched The Hobbit and Willow-I'm almost always up for old-school fantasy movies. Hot Rod and many a Spongebob episode were thrown in too.
The Wednesday of finals week, I finished all my tests, and Corey, Jacob, Craig S., Ben, and two new-ish girls in the group went and jumped off a bridge, right into a very, very, very cold river. It was frightening and exhilarating. When I jumped in, the water froze up my muscles and lungs, and knocked the wind out of me. I could barely move enough to swim, and almost got swept under the bridge. But I made it, and proved to myself yet again that I am strong and can handle difficult things.That night, Corey, Claire, Jacob, and Liz and I had a bonfire in an alcove in the side of the mountain. It was awesome. We made crazy tribal noises. And roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.

The next day I packed up and moved out of my apartment. It took FOREVER to clean the hard water deposits off the shower. (That was one of my assigned jobs.) It's nice I won't be going back.
Being Home:
Craig and I went on the first real date we've had in a while, and it was nice, but my tolerance for restaurant food is ever-decreasing. But we saw Iron Man 2, which is one of my new favorites.
Last Monday, I got to go see Fun., Relient K, and Paramore perform at the E-center, with Craig, RJ, and Miche. So chawsome. They all were such great performers-totally rocking out.

Of course, we went to Denny's afterward, nice and hyper.
The Friday after that, Craig and I started moving stuff into our apartment. Woo hoo! We really like our little place. I am going to make it look super cute!!
Saturday I went through the temple for the first time, and is was simply wonderful. It pretty much erased most of my stressed out feelings. I want to go as often as possible.
Other than that, I am working on little wedding details 24/7. I am always tired, and can hardly keep my thoughts in order, but it's all coming together, and there is so much good to anticipate.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Convincing The Escapist
Well, it's that time of semester again, the time during which I have had all the life and reality I can handle. I believe I wrote a post this time last semester:
The Escapist is crying out for some attention, and though she's been getting a little, I've only delivered a half-hearted attempt of escape be watching garbage youtube videos and buying some ice-cream. Pretty much, Anti-Escapist procedures. (and by Anti I mean my understanding of the biblical definition, that is, a mimicked version of something that delivers opposite results.)
As usual, it's the overload of learning too many things too fast about my full-fledged adult future, the loss of hope for a place in my world for fantasy and play, the stress of registering for classes and figuring out how I'm going to graduate, and that intense change looming in my future.
Don't get me wrong, I am excited for the future, but The Escapist resists. And why wouldn't it? "They" say when you grow up, you can't just randomly be involved in exciting things. You have to stay at your house and take care of your home and family. Your life is restricted by responsibility and other weird stuff.
But if there is anything I've learned this semester, listening to what They say only brings fear, doubt, and hopelessness. Why do they say such negative things anyway? Who gave Them the right to pronounce that my life can't be a fairytale, the the paths I choose won't bring me happiness? The Man Upstairs didn't tell me that, so why should They? They don't even know what makes me happy!
So, I (with lots of help from The Escapist) will just have to disprove what They say. Who wants to listen to those Negative Nancies anyway?
The Escapist is crying out for some attention, and though she's been getting a little, I've only delivered a half-hearted attempt of escape be watching garbage youtube videos and buying some ice-cream. Pretty much, Anti-Escapist procedures. (and by Anti I mean my understanding of the biblical definition, that is, a mimicked version of something that delivers opposite results.)
As usual, it's the overload of learning too many things too fast about my full-fledged adult future, the loss of hope for a place in my world for fantasy and play, the stress of registering for classes and figuring out how I'm going to graduate, and that intense change looming in my future.
Don't get me wrong, I am excited for the future, but The Escapist resists. And why wouldn't it? "They" say when you grow up, you can't just randomly be involved in exciting things. You have to stay at your house and take care of your home and family. Your life is restricted by responsibility and other weird stuff.
But if there is anything I've learned this semester, listening to what They say only brings fear, doubt, and hopelessness. Why do they say such negative things anyway? Who gave Them the right to pronounce that my life can't be a fairytale, the the paths I choose won't bring me happiness? The Man Upstairs didn't tell me that, so why should They? They don't even know what makes me happy!
So, I (with lots of help from The Escapist) will just have to disprove what They say. Who wants to listen to those Negative Nancies anyway?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Health Nut, Fitness Freak
Ok, so I could qualify as neither a Health Nut or Fitness Freak, but I have made a few health milestones during this past semester, and it makes me super happy. So, I am going to share them with everyone.
January 1st: Make a goal to excercise regularly and read scriptures/pray every morning. Haven't been 100% perfect on this goal, but definitely above 75%!
Late Jan.: Try to reduce my sugar intake. Stop buying sweets every time I go to grocery store. Also stop buying American cheese! Eating way more fruits and veggies, and now they are delicious to me.
Mid Feb: Reducing sweets isn't working as well as i want, so I try to give up sugar for Lent. Complete failure...however, sugar intake is still slightly lessened
Also, started eating breakfast pretty much every day!
Late Feb: Start walking to and from school more often. Frequency of walking to and from school increases to every single day by spring break! It no longer hurts to walk up that hill!
After spring break: Get off the exercise wagon for a couple weeks, but then get back on and doing better than before! Doing Zumba for a half hour-an hour 3 times a week!
A couple weeks ago: Not feeling as hungry at school.
1 week ago: went to a dance and danced for 3 hours and barely even felt tired. Loved it! The next day, i was taking the garbage out and noticed how strong my abs feel. I loved it and thought: ok, lets not lose this feeling.
Last night: Did my first 5K fun run at midnight. It was put on by USU and it was so fun and very tiring! I know 5K isn't huge or anything, but I had never even run like half a mile so it was pretty big for me! My friend Corey, who is an avid runner, was very patient and kept with me the whole time, even the times I was power-walking. He just kept saying positive things and that he is proud of me! When he told me to be like Sonic, that's when I did my best. I automatically sped up every time I thought of that blue hedgehog. Weird, I know, but it made me happy. Most of my most positive and encouraging friends were there, so it was super fun. I wish Craig could have been there to see it, because running those 5 kilometers was so awesome!
Of course, it wouldn't have been something characteristic of me to do if we hadn't all dressed up for it! I wore my usual bright colored getup, with hair pulled up on top of my head and 4 colors of bright eyeshadow. Corey wore frilly bloomers over his spandex, and this ugly sweater that I secretly think is awesome. I would totally wear it. Little Craig wore bright orange and green running clothes and a burger king crown.
I haven't lost a ton of weight or anything, but I do feel more energetic, and I do feel like a look better. I stand much straighter.
My nutrition class has been a huge motivator in becoming more healthy. I am learning so much about eating healthy and how important it is to get exercise. I appreciate eating healthy food so much more, so I enjoy it and crave it! If your are in school i would suggest taking a basic nutrition class. It is definitely not an easy class, but it's very interesting and totally applicable.
I hope reading this has motivated you to become more healthy. It feels so great to eat better and have more energy!
January 1st: Make a goal to excercise regularly and read scriptures/pray every morning. Haven't been 100% perfect on this goal, but definitely above 75%!
Late Jan.: Try to reduce my sugar intake. Stop buying sweets every time I go to grocery store. Also stop buying American cheese! Eating way more fruits and veggies, and now they are delicious to me.
Mid Feb: Reducing sweets isn't working as well as i want, so I try to give up sugar for Lent. Complete failure...however, sugar intake is still slightly lessened
Also, started eating breakfast pretty much every day!
Late Feb: Start walking to and from school more often. Frequency of walking to and from school increases to every single day by spring break! It no longer hurts to walk up that hill!
After spring break: Get off the exercise wagon for a couple weeks, but then get back on and doing better than before! Doing Zumba for a half hour-an hour 3 times a week!
A couple weeks ago: Not feeling as hungry at school.
1 week ago: went to a dance and danced for 3 hours and barely even felt tired. Loved it! The next day, i was taking the garbage out and noticed how strong my abs feel. I loved it and thought: ok, lets not lose this feeling.
Last night: Did my first 5K fun run at midnight. It was put on by USU and it was so fun and very tiring! I know 5K isn't huge or anything, but I had never even run like half a mile so it was pretty big for me! My friend Corey, who is an avid runner, was very patient and kept with me the whole time, even the times I was power-walking. He just kept saying positive things and that he is proud of me! When he told me to be like Sonic, that's when I did my best. I automatically sped up every time I thought of that blue hedgehog. Weird, I know, but it made me happy. Most of my most positive and encouraging friends were there, so it was super fun. I wish Craig could have been there to see it, because running those 5 kilometers was so awesome!
Of course, it wouldn't have been something characteristic of me to do if we hadn't all dressed up for it! I wore my usual bright colored getup, with hair pulled up on top of my head and 4 colors of bright eyeshadow. Corey wore frilly bloomers over his spandex, and this ugly sweater that I secretly think is awesome. I would totally wear it. Little Craig wore bright orange and green running clothes and a burger king crown.
I haven't lost a ton of weight or anything, but I do feel more energetic, and I do feel like a look better. I stand much straighter.
My nutrition class has been a huge motivator in becoming more healthy. I am learning so much about eating healthy and how important it is to get exercise. I appreciate eating healthy food so much more, so I enjoy it and crave it! If your are in school i would suggest taking a basic nutrition class. It is definitely not an easy class, but it's very interesting and totally applicable.
I hope reading this has motivated you to become more healthy. It feels so great to eat better and have more energy!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Easter Easter
Easter happens to be my favorite holiday. This year, it wasn't totally full of excitment and wonder like most of my Easter years, but it was still a good one.
Saturday: Craig and I watched conference and held little puppies, given birth by a friends' dog. They were so cute and little. As usual, Elder Holland blew me away with an incredible speech.
In between conference sessions, Craig and I had our own little Easter party. We went to the park and swung on the tire swing, which unfortunately didn't last long because it made me so motion sick! Since when did stuff like that give me motion sickness?! It must mean I am getting old. Which is stupid because I'm only 20.
Anyway, after that we moved to the normal swings, and had a grand time. As TJ Dettweiler Said in the Disney show Recess: "Swinging is 50% Body, 50% heart, and 50% soul." (Or something like that) Pumping on a swing is a good workout. It feels good, doesn't overwork you, but you definitely know you got some good exercise by the time you are done. We were some excited kids on those swings.
While swinging, we played the game "Get out of my toilet". Basically when I was little, if my friends and I were parallel to each other, we'd yell "Get out of my toilet" to each other. So, Craig and I did the same thing. Once, I got in his toilet on purpose, just to bug him. I don't know where it came form, but it still makes me laugh like crazy to yell it while on the swing-set.
After playing on the swings, Craig and I played Pooh-Sticks. This is a game where you get some sticks, drop them off the side of a bridge, and see who's stick floats to the other side of the bridge first. It's very exciting.
Basically, going to the park was the best part of my weekend. :) And after the park, we went and bought easter candy!!
Saturday night we looked through old pictures of Craig for the reception slideshow. hehehe. it was so sunny to look at him as a cute little child. I can't wait till we look through my pictures!
I wish I had paid more attention to general conference, because it was really good. I am definitely going to look up the talks and review a little bit.
I sure like Easter. Easter kinda is the mark for when the year starts getting enjoyable. From January to Easter, life sucks, but after that, there is always a lot more to look forward to.
Saturday: Craig and I watched conference and held little puppies, given birth by a friends' dog. They were so cute and little. As usual, Elder Holland blew me away with an incredible speech.
In between conference sessions, Craig and I had our own little Easter party. We went to the park and swung on the tire swing, which unfortunately didn't last long because it made me so motion sick! Since when did stuff like that give me motion sickness?! It must mean I am getting old. Which is stupid because I'm only 20.
Anyway, after that we moved to the normal swings, and had a grand time. As TJ Dettweiler Said in the Disney show Recess: "Swinging is 50% Body, 50% heart, and 50% soul." (Or something like that) Pumping on a swing is a good workout. It feels good, doesn't overwork you, but you definitely know you got some good exercise by the time you are done. We were some excited kids on those swings.
While swinging, we played the game "Get out of my toilet". Basically when I was little, if my friends and I were parallel to each other, we'd yell "Get out of my toilet" to each other. So, Craig and I did the same thing. Once, I got in his toilet on purpose, just to bug him. I don't know where it came form, but it still makes me laugh like crazy to yell it while on the swing-set.
After playing on the swings, Craig and I played Pooh-Sticks. This is a game where you get some sticks, drop them off the side of a bridge, and see who's stick floats to the other side of the bridge first. It's very exciting.
Basically, going to the park was the best part of my weekend. :) And after the park, we went and bought easter candy!!
Saturday night we looked through old pictures of Craig for the reception slideshow. hehehe. it was so sunny to look at him as a cute little child. I can't wait till we look through my pictures!
I wish I had paid more attention to general conference, because it was really good. I am definitely going to look up the talks and review a little bit.
I sure like Easter. Easter kinda is the mark for when the year starts getting enjoyable. From January to Easter, life sucks, but after that, there is always a lot more to look forward to.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Woman I Want To Be
Tonight, I spend some time at the Institute Women s Association Banquet, and saw the example of many girls' and womens' kindness and service. I thought about how awesome they are, and I realized; I am not as much like them as I want to be.
After realizing that, I did a little self-reprimanding. I have this idea of the type of woman I want to be, but i honestly haven't been working toward it. In fact, I often work against that goal. I stress over insignificant things, I think negative thoughts about others, I complain, I waste time, and (this one bothers me the most) I rarely think of things I can do for others. I used to be so much better at giving other people attention, and now that i have lost that, I sincerely think it has made me an unhappy person.
I thought: Brynn, you are getting married in two months! Isn't it about time to try to become the woman you always said you would be? You said you would spread love to other people. Why don't you do that anymore?"
This is the type of woman I am going to strive to be:
I want to be the woman that always makes others feel welcome and comfortable.
I want to be the woman that others feel like they can trust and rely on.
The woman that isn't overly concerned with herself is the woman i want to be.
The woman that doesn't seek attention from others, but knows that when she gives to others, it comes back to her.
I want to be the woman that makes all the most fun birthday cakes and the cutest clothing.
I want to be the woman who's house is clean and smells sweet.
The woman who's home is a positive environment is the woman I want to be.
I want to be that woman who takes good care of herself.
I want to be the woman who doesn't think or speak ill of others.
I want to be that woman who doesn't let the thing that angry, negative people do ruin her day.
The woman who finds joy in creativity.
The woman who doesn't always depend on 0thers to feel happy.
I want to be the woman who gets dressed down to her shoes and cleans the bathroom every morning.
The woman that willingly develops and shares her talents is the woman I want to be.
The woman who shares the richness of nature with others and enjoys spending time outdoors.
The woman that always gives encouragement to others is the woman I want to be.
I want to be the woman who kindly and humbly stands up for what she believes in.
I want to be the woman who never, ever, belittles her husband or her children.
The woman who teaches her children the importance of respect and care is the woman I want to be.
The woman who is involved in her interests is the woman I want to be.
I want to be the woman that still knows how to get out and have fun, even if she's married.
I want to be the woman who has inner strength.
The woman that finds joy in giving service, and makes it fun for others.
The woman relies on Christ for direction in her life.
That's what I want to be. I would highly encourage everyone to think of the most wholesome, unselfish, and the best they can be, and try their best to become that person. I can't change into this person all at once, no one can, but every step of the way will add a little extra beauty and peace to my life.
After realizing that, I did a little self-reprimanding. I have this idea of the type of woman I want to be, but i honestly haven't been working toward it. In fact, I often work against that goal. I stress over insignificant things, I think negative thoughts about others, I complain, I waste time, and (this one bothers me the most) I rarely think of things I can do for others. I used to be so much better at giving other people attention, and now that i have lost that, I sincerely think it has made me an unhappy person.
I thought: Brynn, you are getting married in two months! Isn't it about time to try to become the woman you always said you would be? You said you would spread love to other people. Why don't you do that anymore?"
This is the type of woman I am going to strive to be:
I want to be the woman that always makes others feel welcome and comfortable.
I want to be the woman that others feel like they can trust and rely on.
The woman that isn't overly concerned with herself is the woman i want to be.
The woman that doesn't seek attention from others, but knows that when she gives to others, it comes back to her.
I want to be the woman that makes all the most fun birthday cakes and the cutest clothing.
I want to be the woman who's house is clean and smells sweet.
The woman who's home is a positive environment is the woman I want to be.
I want to be that woman who takes good care of herself.
I want to be the woman who doesn't think or speak ill of others.
I want to be that woman who doesn't let the thing that angry, negative people do ruin her day.
The woman who finds joy in creativity.
The woman who doesn't always depend on 0thers to feel happy.
I want to be the woman who gets dressed down to her shoes and cleans the bathroom every morning.
The woman that willingly develops and shares her talents is the woman I want to be.
The woman who shares the richness of nature with others and enjoys spending time outdoors.
The woman that always gives encouragement to others is the woman I want to be.
I want to be the woman who kindly and humbly stands up for what she believes in.
I want to be the woman who never, ever, belittles her husband or her children.
The woman who teaches her children the importance of respect and care is the woman I want to be.
The woman who is involved in her interests is the woman I want to be.
I want to be the woman that still knows how to get out and have fun, even if she's married.
I want to be the woman who has inner strength.
The woman that finds joy in giving service, and makes it fun for others.
The woman relies on Christ for direction in her life.
That's what I want to be. I would highly encourage everyone to think of the most wholesome, unselfish, and the best they can be, and try their best to become that person. I can't change into this person all at once, no one can, but every step of the way will add a little extra beauty and peace to my life.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Connor, Emmy, Simon, and Parents.
This is one of my favorite families in existence, And I want to take a little time tributing them and the influence they've had on me. You see, I used to babysit these kids, and we had so much fun together. In fact, there were several times when I chose babysitting these kids over hanging out with my friends or going to dances, just because it was really that much fun. And I have never regretted those decisions.
Connor: He just started high school in the fall, and this kid is seriously so awesome. Not many people people can make me laugh like Connor does. We have a plethora of inside jokes, and whenever I visit home and see him at church, we end up standing there quoting nearly everything we've ever watched in stupid voices and laughing our heads off. Connor gives off this "Hyper vibe", and it cheers me up every time I talk to him. :) He's also way talented and very sincere. He's great at piano and isn't afraid to be himself.
Emmy: Emmy was also my first piano student. I have always been amazed at how smart and talented she is! Even though we are almost 10 years apart in age, I still consider her one of my besties because we love to talk and we have a ton in common! Once, I remember we just sat there and talked forever at their house! We talked about friends, fashion, vacations..and it was so fun. We used to give each other makeovers all the time and sometimes, the outcomes were hilarious. I think Emmy has seen my silly side more than most people I know. Again, there are about a billion inside jokes between us. Emmy also has an awesome sense of style, and knows how to be an individual. She is very talented in music and dance. :) In fact, we've had a couple little dance parties!
Simon: He's only a little toddler, but this kid is funny and totally sweet. He's already taking a bit after his bro with video games. And fortunately, he's as sincere as his brother too. It's really been fun getting to know him!
Parents: Zac and Kelly are both so awesome. Zac is incredibly creative, and has always given this laid-back vibe. Kelly is so nice and has always been so friendly. She is also very creative and talented. And she has always been incredibly supportive of me and my sisters! As a couple, I look up to them so much! They are so secure and are able to have fun whether they are together or apart. I applaud the fact that they still go on dates, and I always see them treating each other so kindly, surprising each other, and remaining polite and considerate toward each other. I hope I can keep my marriage that fun and positive!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Arts and crafts
Today at the student center, they had free birdhouses to paint and build. I was sooo excited to see this! So I made a birdhouse with the brightest colors possible. I made it look like it was smeared with a ton of sidewalk chalk. So i am really happy about that.
When i got home, I started making my "special quesadilla" meaning that it not only had cheese, it also had thin slices of deli turkey, guacamole, hummus, and lettuce. Delcious. And while I was eating, I thought about all the paint on my fingers (because if it's going to look like sidewalk chalk was smeared all over it, you kind have to use your fingers as your main art tool) and it reminded me of this girl in my Jewelry Making class at SLCC who had a real passion for working with silver. So much so, in fact, that she often spend long amounts of time in the studio, bringing snacks with her, and eventually got so used to the taste of silver dust with her food that she kinda craved it. And then I thought about how wonderful it is to work with it becomes are part of you as you shape it and polish it, and how whatever you do to it, you often do to your hands at the same time. And then, this poem fell right into my head.
When i got home, I started making my "special quesadilla" meaning that it not only had cheese, it also had thin slices of deli turkey, guacamole, hummus, and lettuce. Delcious. And while I was eating, I thought about all the paint on my fingers (because if it's going to look like sidewalk chalk was smeared all over it, you kind have to use your fingers as your main art tool) and it reminded me of this girl in my Jewelry Making class at SLCC who had a real passion for working with silver. So much so, in fact, that she often spend long amounts of time in the studio, bringing snacks with her, and eventually got so used to the taste of silver dust with her food that she kinda craved it. And then I thought about how wonderful it is to work with it becomes are part of you as you shape it and polish it, and how whatever you do to it, you often do to your hands at the same time. And then, this poem fell right into my head.
Flakes of wax
shreds of silver.
That satisfying, burning
chemical smell of flux,
Bubbling and glowing,
and turning the torch flame green.
Black fingers, polished shiny
after being sanded to perfection,
Mold both wax and metal
Into a part of me.
The torches the files,
The blades, the shafts,
The smells, the sounds,
Seeing is barely part of the process.
Oh, Jewelry Making at SLCC
How I miss thee.
When you make something and really get into it, it's like the divine bits of you show themselves a little more. Even though it was just an oriental trading wooden birdhouse, I got to experience that outlet a little bit today, and for a little while, I was The Escapist. :)
For more thoughts on creativity and divinity, watch this speech: (we watched it in my public speaking class)
Monday, February 22, 2010
It is the semester to be inspired...
I have heard some really interesting and exciting speeches lately.
On friday, I heard Sister Philips (from the Good Things Utah Morning Show..I think) speak and she was so awesome! She was so funny and sarcastic, but she got such a great point across. Here are my notes:
-It's ok to seek wealth on these conditions:
Take good care of what you own
Help others with what you have
Be humble
AND DON'T BE A HOARDER. Your things should be organized. If you don't use it, don't keep it!
Ecclsiastes 3:1-6
Oh and if something is broken, get rid of it.
Remember stewardship: We are stewards of what we own. (this means take good care of your "kingdom")
Share with others; we want relationships with people, not things!
"You can't love things that don't have eyes." (This was from a story she told about her preschool aged daughter when she got excited about her new lunchbox.)
2 factors for happiness:
1. Spending time with family
2.Good health
(From a national survey)
On friday, I heard Sister Philips (from the Good Things Utah Morning Show..I think) speak and she was so awesome! She was so funny and sarcastic, but she got such a great point across. Here are my notes:
-It's ok to seek wealth on these conditions:
Take good care of what you own
Help others with what you have
Be humble
AND DON'T BE A HOARDER. Your things should be organized. If you don't use it, don't keep it!
Ecclsiastes 3:1-6
Oh and if something is broken, get rid of it.
Remember stewardship: We are stewards of what we own. (this means take good care of your "kingdom")
Share with others; we want relationships with people, not things!
"You can't love things that don't have eyes." (This was from a story she told about her preschool aged daughter when she got excited about her new lunchbox.)
2 factors for happiness:
1. Spending time with family
2.Good health
(From a national survey)
Families are a growing experience (so don't expect perfection)
Also, Life gives many opportunities for education, and we are supposed to take as many opportunities as we possibly can!
The Gospel teaches action and education-if we do all the gospel teaches, we will succeed.
And finally, 9 things young adults can do to improve thier lives:
1. Travel.
2. If you have lived in Utah your whole life, experience a different place to be an example in and learn from.
3. Watch at least 1 less tv show per week. See what other things you can do with that time!
4. Act cheery until you actually feel cheery.
5. Try doing something new that you feel is in your blood. What have you always thought is really interesting or cool to do?
6. Don't let yourself get so hungry that you just grab junk food.
7. Learn to clean. If your place is clean and organized, the spirit can easily be there to uplift and guide. Plus it will make finding things easier and it will smell good!
8. Sleep at a decent hour.
9. Get married and have babies!
Of course these notes don't give it justice but I hope this was a positive influence, anyway. :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
The Worst:
I have been really stressed lately. School is only a small part of it so far, I mean with school always comes some stress, but right now it's the stuff on top of school that is killing me.
Such as planning a wedding long-distance. oh my goodness. How am I supposed to do this without and resources or important people around me?
My living situation is also very stressful. Not having a car is hard when you have so many other things to worry about. And it's not like I can just buy one.
I also am looking for a job, which is very difficult without a car and such.
I also am having so interpersonal problems, and I try really hard, but it's just so difficult to get along with this person. I realize sometimes there are people you just can't expect to have a great relationship with, but it's important that we at least get along if we see each other often you know?
So, stress is a big part of my life right now, but there are some great things going on too.
The Best:
This past weekend was so great. even though much of it consisted of letting out my stress, I was able to cry on safe shoulders and feel loved.
Craig was incredibly nice this weekend, and he always is, but it was just great that we had such a good time hanging out and talking. On friday we had a really interesting, compelling conversation. We hadn't had one of those for a while, just because we hadn't had the time. and after talking for a while it was like I suddenly realized: " oh yeah i remember why I am marrying you now!!" We also had some fun valentine activities. we went to Panda Express, and then made valentine boxes and lots of little fun valentines for each other. It was really refreshing. He makes me feel so loved and just plain amazing.
My family is so nice to me. I found on my bed at home the other night a new scrapbook album, fun of paper and decorations. How exciting! My sister left it there for me just because she's really nice. And another sister held a chinese new year party, which was really fun. We got to make our own sushi (I know it's not chinese but it was delicious anyway!) and played fun games. After people left, me, Craig, Miche, and Kristan watched Sasquatch Gang and talked.
Wedding planning may be stressful, but I am lucky to have a very helpful mom. She's doing sooo much for me. I am so blessed! She is practically doing more with the wedding than i am. I am just not very good at planning out events, and don't have much of an idea in how to go about planning a wedding. My mom is so kind to me. She is a champion at making sacrifices for others.
Miche is such a great best friend to me. She is so sweet and very willing to listen..she understands me so well! She has been really helpful to me lately and I cannot wait for her to come visit me!
I got a new, ultra-cute coat on saturday, and I only paid $3 for it. I used a free gift card I got from the mall, and the coat was on clearance. It was exciting.
Other than that, I just feel very blessed with kind friends and roommates. I am still having a lot of fun, even though I have so many stressful and crazy things on my plate. With each difficult challenge, I come out of it happier than when I went in.
I have been really stressed lately. School is only a small part of it so far, I mean with school always comes some stress, but right now it's the stuff on top of school that is killing me.
Such as planning a wedding long-distance. oh my goodness. How am I supposed to do this without and resources or important people around me?
My living situation is also very stressful. Not having a car is hard when you have so many other things to worry about. And it's not like I can just buy one.
I also am looking for a job, which is very difficult without a car and such.
I also am having so interpersonal problems, and I try really hard, but it's just so difficult to get along with this person. I realize sometimes there are people you just can't expect to have a great relationship with, but it's important that we at least get along if we see each other often you know?
So, stress is a big part of my life right now, but there are some great things going on too.
The Best:
This past weekend was so great. even though much of it consisted of letting out my stress, I was able to cry on safe shoulders and feel loved.
Craig was incredibly nice this weekend, and he always is, but it was just great that we had such a good time hanging out and talking. On friday we had a really interesting, compelling conversation. We hadn't had one of those for a while, just because we hadn't had the time. and after talking for a while it was like I suddenly realized: " oh yeah i remember why I am marrying you now!!" We also had some fun valentine activities. we went to Panda Express, and then made valentine boxes and lots of little fun valentines for each other. It was really refreshing. He makes me feel so loved and just plain amazing.
My family is so nice to me. I found on my bed at home the other night a new scrapbook album, fun of paper and decorations. How exciting! My sister left it there for me just because she's really nice. And another sister held a chinese new year party, which was really fun. We got to make our own sushi (I know it's not chinese but it was delicious anyway!) and played fun games. After people left, me, Craig, Miche, and Kristan watched Sasquatch Gang and talked.
Wedding planning may be stressful, but I am lucky to have a very helpful mom. She's doing sooo much for me. I am so blessed! She is practically doing more with the wedding than i am. I am just not very good at planning out events, and don't have much of an idea in how to go about planning a wedding. My mom is so kind to me. She is a champion at making sacrifices for others.
Miche is such a great best friend to me. She is so sweet and very willing to listen..she understands me so well! She has been really helpful to me lately and I cannot wait for her to come visit me!
I got a new, ultra-cute coat on saturday, and I only paid $3 for it. I used a free gift card I got from the mall, and the coat was on clearance. It was exciting.
Other than that, I just feel very blessed with kind friends and roommates. I am still having a lot of fun, even though I have so many stressful and crazy things on my plate. With each difficult challenge, I come out of it happier than when I went in.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The goings on
What I want to watch right now: Where the Wild Things Are. I've been listening to the soundtrack and am now dying to stare at those monsters in thier striking landscape.
What I am craving: A nice shopping trip with my girl Miche. That would be awesome.
What I did today:
I started today with a lovely, in-person conversation with Craig. So great! Then craig and i went to our friends' Christine and Todd's place for lunch. It was great to visit with them and Christine made the yummiest cake. I need to learn to bake from scratch.
After that, Craig and I just chilled out for a little while before he had to go home. :( But it was awesome to have him up here this weekend. Craig and I are more than a couple, we are bestest friends and a great team. I am so excited to marry him!
After craig left I moped around a little...and played some Sonic.
Then i went to the game, Nevada vs. USU, which was a great game. It was fun because it was a close game, which made the crowd more intense and excitable.
After the game, I went to the Mardi Gras party! Sooo fun. I finally fulfilled my life long dream of seeing a hypnotist show, and it was awesome. My friend Corey was hypnotized really quickly, so I got to see him be aladdin on stage! Sadly, the hypnosis didn't work so well on me, because I was a little tense and way overly excited just to be there, so i couldn't relax. Maybe next time. But it was still way awesome and completely hilarious!
Also at Mardi Gras i had my first gambling experience (with fake money) and it was pretty cool. Ok not really, gambling is kinda lame to me but I did win more than I lost, which is cool. Of course there was a dance at mardi gras so we did a little dancing before heading home. I love dancing so much and pretty much go to a dance or dance party every week now. I think this is the 4th weekend in a row where I've danced for greater part of the weekend.
Yesterday I: Went to the IWA formal dance with Craig. I had a cute outfit but judging by yesterday, I definitely want to hire someone to do my hair and makeup for my wedding. I a good at hair and makeup, but I'm not so good with formal styles and it's too nervewracking when you only get one chance to do hair and makeup for an important event!
The dance was great. I was a little more on the tired side, but I still thoroughly enjoyed dancing, and Craig was an excellent dancer!
Something I've been wanting to blog about: Ducks. The thing I like about them is that they can walk, swim, and fly. Sure, they can't fly like a falcon or swim like a fish, but they balance between both worlds and are versatile creatures. I also think of ducks as pretty down to earth. They just do thier thing and do the best they can. I try to be like that, and I think I am a bit like a duck.
And now, it is time to sleep.
What I am craving: A nice shopping trip with my girl Miche. That would be awesome.
What I did today:
I started today with a lovely, in-person conversation with Craig. So great! Then craig and i went to our friends' Christine and Todd's place for lunch. It was great to visit with them and Christine made the yummiest cake. I need to learn to bake from scratch.
After that, Craig and I just chilled out for a little while before he had to go home. :( But it was awesome to have him up here this weekend. Craig and I are more than a couple, we are bestest friends and a great team. I am so excited to marry him!
After craig left I moped around a little...and played some Sonic.
Then i went to the game, Nevada vs. USU, which was a great game. It was fun because it was a close game, which made the crowd more intense and excitable.
After the game, I went to the Mardi Gras party! Sooo fun. I finally fulfilled my life long dream of seeing a hypnotist show, and it was awesome. My friend Corey was hypnotized really quickly, so I got to see him be aladdin on stage! Sadly, the hypnosis didn't work so well on me, because I was a little tense and way overly excited just to be there, so i couldn't relax. Maybe next time. But it was still way awesome and completely hilarious!
Also at Mardi Gras i had my first gambling experience (with fake money) and it was pretty cool. Ok not really, gambling is kinda lame to me but I did win more than I lost, which is cool. Of course there was a dance at mardi gras so we did a little dancing before heading home. I love dancing so much and pretty much go to a dance or dance party every week now. I think this is the 4th weekend in a row where I've danced for greater part of the weekend.
Yesterday I: Went to the IWA formal dance with Craig. I had a cute outfit but judging by yesterday, I definitely want to hire someone to do my hair and makeup for my wedding. I a good at hair and makeup, but I'm not so good with formal styles and it's too nervewracking when you only get one chance to do hair and makeup for an important event!
The dance was great. I was a little more on the tired side, but I still thoroughly enjoyed dancing, and Craig was an excellent dancer!
Something I've been wanting to blog about: Ducks. The thing I like about them is that they can walk, swim, and fly. Sure, they can't fly like a falcon or swim like a fish, but they balance between both worlds and are versatile creatures. I also think of ducks as pretty down to earth. They just do thier thing and do the best they can. I try to be like that, and I think I am a bit like a duck.
And now, it is time to sleep.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sisters often steal ideas from each other.
And I stole this idea from Jill:
10 things I want to do in 2010
1. Go on a trip. A random trip. I really want to go to much. It just sounds like a lot of fun right now! And when I go to yellowstone, I will play ukulele and craig will play pennywhistle by the campfire. And then the next day we will go antique shopping in west yellowstone.
2. Catch up on scrapbooking. Like that will ever happen, but i'll have fun trying!
3. Get a wii. We'll see if i can ever afford that, but it would be awesome!
4. Learn to sew. I swear if I don't learn to really sew by the end of this year I'll be a failure at life.
5. Get back to the weight I was last spring. I know, that's "shallow" or whatever, but it felt great and I was really healthy.
6. Make 5 crafts from my big-A$$ craft book.
7. Have another successful cupcake decorating party.
8. More themed parties. I just love cheesy themed parties.
9. Go to the farmer's martet in Salt Lake!
10. Save up money for goals and awesome things instead of spending all my money on dumb random things.
10 things I want to do in 2010
1. Go on a trip. A random trip. I really want to go to much. It just sounds like a lot of fun right now! And when I go to yellowstone, I will play ukulele and craig will play pennywhistle by the campfire. And then the next day we will go antique shopping in west yellowstone.
2. Catch up on scrapbooking. Like that will ever happen, but i'll have fun trying!
3. Get a wii. We'll see if i can ever afford that, but it would be awesome!
4. Learn to sew. I swear if I don't learn to really sew by the end of this year I'll be a failure at life.
5. Get back to the weight I was last spring. I know, that's "shallow" or whatever, but it felt great and I was really healthy.
6. Make 5 crafts from my big-A$$ craft book.
7. Have another successful cupcake decorating party.
8. More themed parties. I just love cheesy themed parties.
9. Go to the farmer's martet in Salt Lake!
10. Save up money for goals and awesome things instead of spending all my money on dumb random things.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Low Maitenance Friendship
Back in my college town after winter break, I have realized how much I like being here. Most of the people here are so nice. They just are. The friends I have here are the low maintenance kind. They aren't easily offended, they are supportive, and we don't expect anything extra from each other. That's my favorite.
We have so much fun up here, no matter what we do. A lot of the time we don't do much at all. We just relax and joke around with each other. If we go somewhere, it's usually a basketball game or church related activity.
I have a story. But first, you need to know something about me. I hate card games. Hate them. I hate most board, card and dice games, but card games are one of my worst fears. For some reason I can't hold more than about 4 cards at a time without dropping them all over the place, and I always forget the rules of the game...they are so confusing to me, and there are so many to remember. And I have humiliated myself soooo many times while playing card games in the past. I don't remember every instance, but I do remember feeling very stupid and bored while playing card games when i was little. And not so little. And I remember being teased A LOT while playing games. So now I become so nervous and self conscious when I pick up my hand that my mind goes blank, I can't talk right, my hands become unsteady, and I just end up humiliating myself yet again. I can perform singing and dancing on stage in front of hundreds of people, I can pull embarrassing pranks, I can talk about nearly any subject without feeling shy, I can give speeches with no plan or preparation, I can ride any roller coaster, but I do not have the nerve to play a card game. If it looks like I am enjoying a card game, I am probably doing a little acting. Card games are sooo nerve wracking to me! (Like country music, there are a couple exceptions. Pit and 5 crowns are okay. Sometimes.)
So, here's the story:
The other night, I went to my favorite apartment across the parking lot, and a couple of my roommates were already there, and everyone was already immersed in a card game (I think it was called B.S. or something about lying) when I walked in. I received a friendly welcome and an offer to join in, to which I replied, "oh, no thanks, I am awful at card games." So, I was offered a seat, and we all made conversation together while everyone but me and a couple others in the other room kept playing. And that was it. There was no "Oh, come on, I bet you are better than you think!" statements, no offended peers, no teasing, and no pressure to join in. We just kept talking as usual. I didn't have to be left out because I didn't play, and I didn't have to be forced to undergo a transformation into an avid card player. It was kind of a new experience for me. It was wonderful.
And that's what I love about my friends up here. We embrace what we have in common, and don't bother with what we don't. Everyone is so accepting and friendly. We don't try to impress each other. We don't "keep score". We just play and have fun. :)
We have so much fun up here, no matter what we do. A lot of the time we don't do much at all. We just relax and joke around with each other. If we go somewhere, it's usually a basketball game or church related activity.
I have a story. But first, you need to know something about me. I hate card games. Hate them. I hate most board, card and dice games, but card games are one of my worst fears. For some reason I can't hold more than about 4 cards at a time without dropping them all over the place, and I always forget the rules of the game...they are so confusing to me, and there are so many to remember. And I have humiliated myself soooo many times while playing card games in the past. I don't remember every instance, but I do remember feeling very stupid and bored while playing card games when i was little. And not so little. And I remember being teased A LOT while playing games. So now I become so nervous and self conscious when I pick up my hand that my mind goes blank, I can't talk right, my hands become unsteady, and I just end up humiliating myself yet again. I can perform singing and dancing on stage in front of hundreds of people, I can pull embarrassing pranks, I can talk about nearly any subject without feeling shy, I can give speeches with no plan or preparation, I can ride any roller coaster, but I do not have the nerve to play a card game. If it looks like I am enjoying a card game, I am probably doing a little acting. Card games are sooo nerve wracking to me! (Like country music, there are a couple exceptions. Pit and 5 crowns are okay. Sometimes.)
So, here's the story:
The other night, I went to my favorite apartment across the parking lot, and a couple of my roommates were already there, and everyone was already immersed in a card game (I think it was called B.S. or something about lying) when I walked in. I received a friendly welcome and an offer to join in, to which I replied, "oh, no thanks, I am awful at card games." So, I was offered a seat, and we all made conversation together while everyone but me and a couple others in the other room kept playing. And that was it. There was no "Oh, come on, I bet you are better than you think!" statements, no offended peers, no teasing, and no pressure to join in. We just kept talking as usual. I didn't have to be left out because I didn't play, and I didn't have to be forced to undergo a transformation into an avid card player. It was kind of a new experience for me. It was wonderful.
And that's what I love about my friends up here. We embrace what we have in common, and don't bother with what we don't. Everyone is so accepting and friendly. We don't try to impress each other. We don't "keep score". We just play and have fun. :)
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